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Invision Community 5.0.0 Beta 11.1

(1 review)

1 изображение

Это не NULLED версия

IPS Community Suite ) — это в первую очередь программное обеспечение для интернет-сообщества, разработанное Invision Power Services, Inc. Оно написано на PHP и использует MySQL в качестве системы управления базами данных.

Invision Power Services продает приложения, каждое из которых можно купить и установить отдельно в дополнение к Suite, наиболее широко известным из которых является программное обеспечение для интернет-форумов Invision Power Board.

Invision Community относится к объединенному набору приложений, предоставляемых Invision Power Services, и является ядром фреймворка.

Новое в версии 5.0.0 Beta 11.1



#3233: Minor UI polishes

#3232: Fix invalid URL in Admin Notification

#3231: Fix login during checkout

#3225: 3152 - Editors inside menus

#3224: Fix upgrade issue with validating rows for deleted members

#3223: Fix error when using reviews without Hideable

#3181: Moved interface resources to interface/static to allow for better CDN cache rules

#3216: Fixed some UI issues with Commerce, Downloads and the ACP

#3210: Fix issue with featured content for classes that don't exist

#3211: Fix exception on redirect when the message is null

#3214: Fix issues with topic synch in Pages

#3215: Fix issue with incorrect content type selected on user profile

#3218: Fixed the alignment of the Manage Followed Content pages

#3220: Fixed widths of carousel images

#3189: Use Monaco editor for code boxes

#3193: Fixed missing border on rich text tables

- Issue #3099: Table right border clipped on iPhone

- Issue #3114: [9.1] [Tables] Inserting a new line

#3197: Fixed some missing styles on the Calendar Day page

#3190: Post and Page Editor Issues

- Issue #2992: Tiptap: Editor content is deleted on error

- Issue #3092: [Beta 9.1] Image Resize issue in Editor while in RTL Mode

- Issue #3147: Editing Raw HTML widget occasionally shows dropdown menu instead of modal

- Issue #3132: Beta 9.1 - Mentions are parsed as links when editing content

#3195: Updated "ipsForm_fullWidth" to "ipsForm--fullWidth"

#3198: Badges with long strings of text will no longer break out of their grid

#3200: Improved alignment of "This content is now closed" message

#3085: Cleanup of Menu link class

#3158: Use valid badge class on ACP Pages list

User Feedback

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   7 of 7 members found this review helpful 7 / 7 пользователей

thank you for sharing!

but i would like to suggest you replace all characters ips_xxx to xxx

and change all file modification time to avoid risking your genuine license