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Сообщения, опубликованные Quicksdk

  1. Upload images - хостинг изображений для IPB.

    после переезда появилась ошибка.

    Я его пытался переустановить, но ничего не вышло...

    Упс! Что-то случилось. Нет доступа к этой странице. Возможно, вы не имеете на это прав.

    Error: application directory not detected! Please, create a folder on /var/www/quick137/data/www/XXX/uploads folder called images

    Что мне нужно поправить ручками, чтобы все встало на свои места

    Т.е. у меня вот "quick137" это root папка (?), которая была на прошлом хостинге.

    Все кэши обновил

  2. 1.post-728-0-52712100-1361032915_thumb.png

    2. post-7015-0-63903200-1361033606_thumb.pn


    Database changed to UTF-8.nadmin_login_logs changed to UTF-8.nadmin_logs changed to UTF-8.nadmin_permission_rows changed to UTF-8.nannouncements changed to UTF-8.napi_log changed to UTF-8.napi_users changed to UTF-8.nattachments changed to UTF-8.nattachments_type changed to UTF-8.nbadwords changed to UTF-8.nbanfilters changed to UTF-8.nbbcode_mediatag changed to UTF-8.nbulk_mail changed to UTF-8.ncache_simple changed to UTF-8.ncache_store changed to UTF-8.ncaptcha changed to UTF-8.ncontent_cache_posts changed to UTF-8.ncontent_cache_sigs changed to UTF-8.nconverge_local changed to UTF-8.ncore_applications changed to UTF-8.ncore_archive_log changed to UTF-8.ncore_archive_restore changed to UTF-8.ncore_archive_rules changed to UTF-8.ncore_editor_autosave changed to UTF-8.ncore_geolocation_cache changed to UTF-8.ncore_hooks changed to UTF-8.ncore_hooks_files changed to UTF-8.ncore_incoming_email_log changed to UTF-8.ncore_incoming_emails changed to UTF-8.ncore_inline_messages changed to UTF-8.ncore_item_markers changed to UTF-8.ncore_item_markers_storage changed to UTF-8.ncore_like changed to UTF-8.ncore_like_cache changed to UTF-8.ncore_rss_imported changed to UTF-8.ncore_share_links changed to UTF-8.ncore_share_links_caches changed to UTF-8.ncore_share_links_log changed to UTF-8.ncore_soft_delete_log changed to UTF-8.ncore_sys_conf_settings changed to UTF-8.ncore_sys_cp_sessions changed to UTF-8.ncore_sys_lang changed to UTF-8.ncore_sys_lang_words changed to UTF-8.ncore_sys_login changed to UTF-8.ncore_sys_module changed to UTF-8.ncore_sys_settings_titles changed to UTF-8.ncore_tags changed to UTF-8.ncore_tags_cache changed to UTF-8.ncore_tags_perms changed to UTF-8.ncore_uagent_groups changed to UTF-8.ncore_uagents changed to UTF-8.ncustom_bbcode changed to UTF-8.ncustom_sidebar_blocks changed to UTF-8.ndnames_change changed to UTF-8.ndp3_cuspg changed to UTF-8.ndp3_fi_icons changed to UTF-8.nelfchat_admins changed to UTF-8.nelfchat_adminslogs changed to UTF-8.nelfchat_ban changed to UTF-8.nelfchat_groups changed to UTF-8.nelfchat_messages changed to UTF-8.nelfchat_moderslogs changed to UTF-8.nelfchat_rooms changed to UTF-8.nelfchat_users changed to UTF-8.nemoticons changed to UTF-8.nerror_logs changed to UTF-8.nfaq changed to UTF-8.nforum_perms changed to UTF-8.nforums changed to UTF-8.nforums_archive_posts changed to UTF-8.nforums_recent_posts changed to UTF-8.nglobal_messages changed to UTF-8.nglobal_messages_pages changed to UTF-8.ngroups changed to UTF-8.nignored_users changed to UTF-8.ninline_notifications changed to UTF-8.nlogin_methods changed to UTF-8.nmail_error_logs changed to UTF-8.nmail_queue changed to UTF-8.nmember_status_actions changed to UTF-8.nmember_status_replies changed to UTF-8.nmember_status_updates changed to UTF-8.nmembers changed to UTF-8.nmembers_partial changed to UTF-8.nmembers_warn_actions changed to UTF-8.nmembers_warn_logs changed to UTF-8.nmembers_warn_reasons changed to UTF-8.nmessage_posts changed to UTF-8.nmessage_topic_user_map changed to UTF-8.nmessage_topics changed to UTF-8.nmobile_app_style changed to UTF-8.nmobile_device_map changed to UTF-8.nmobile_notifications changed to UTF-8.nmod_queued_items changed to UTF-8.nmoderator_logs changed to UTF-8.nmoderators changed to UTF-8.npermission_index changed to UTF-8.npfields_content changed to UTF-8.npfields_data changed to UTF-8.npfields_groups changed to UTF-8.npolls changed to UTF-8.nposts changed to UTF-8.nprofile_friends changed to UTF-8.nprofile_friends_flood changed to UTF-8.nprofile_portal changed to UTF-8.nprofile_portal_views changed to UTF-8.nprofile_ratings changed to UTF-8.npromenu changed to UTF-8.nquestion_and_answer changed to UTF-8.nrc_classes changed to UTF-8.nrc_comments changed to UTF-8.nrc_modpref changed to UTF-8.nrc_reports changed to UTF-8.nrc_reports_index changed to UTF-8.nrc_status changed to UTF-8.nrc_status_sev changed to UTF-8.nreputation_cache changed to UTF-8.nreputation_index changed to UTF-8.nreputation_levels changed to UTF-8.nreputation_totals changed to UTF-8.nrss_export changed to UTF-8.nrss_import changed to UTF-8.nrss_imported changed to UTF-8.nsearch_keywords changed to UTF-8.nsearch_sessions changed to UTF-8.nsearch_visitors changed to UTF-8.nseo_acronyms changed to UTF-8.nseo_meta changed to UTF-8.nsessions changed to UTF-8.nshoutbox_mods changed to UTF-8.nshoutbox_shouts changed to UTF-8.nskin_cache changed to UTF-8.nskin_collections changed to UTF-8.nskin_css changed to UTF-8.nskin_css_previous changed to UTF-8.nskin_generator_sessions changed to UTF-8.nskin_merge_changes changed to UTF-8.nskin_merge_session changed to UTF-8.nskin_replacements changed to UTF-8.nskin_templates changed to UTF-8.nskin_templates_cache changed to UTF-8.nskin_templates_previous changed to UTF-8.nskin_url_mapping changed to UTF-8.nspam_service_log changed to UTF-8.nspider_logs changed to UTF-8.ntags_index changed to UTF-8.ntask_logs changed to UTF-8.ntask_manager changed to UTF-8.ntemplate_sandr changed to UTF-8.ntitles changed to UTF-8.ntopic_mmod changed to UTF-8.ntopic_ratings changed to UTF-8.ntopic_views changed to UTF-8.ntopics changed to UTF-8.ntwitter_connect changed to UTF-8.nupgrade_history changed to UTF-8.nupgrade_sessions changed to UTF-8.nvalidating changed to UTF-8.nvoters changed to UTF-8.nwarn_logs changed to UTF-8.n

  3. 5d2428d9759fa4de89fdc27dd3cf7a98.png

    да, и вот что после установки

    Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to class_perms::checkGroupView() must be an array, null given, called in /home/o/odinaevde/pro-ucheba.com/public_html/hooks/globalProMenuNavDisplay_9c7dcfbe81c185ffa3c7ecd7e4299d6a.php on line 39 and defined in /home/o/odinaevde/pro-ucheba.com/public_html/admin/applications_addon/other/promenu/sources/classes/class_perms.php on line 150

    вот что в админке

    ЗЫ. админ не ругайся, но твой хостинг изображений почему-то не работает

  4. оказывается utf8_general_ci. вроде пошло все ок. спасибо)

    ан нет.. не все ок. :good:

    Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to class_perms::checkGroupView() must be an array, null given, called in /home/o/odinaevde/pro-ucheba.com/public_html/hooks/globalProMenuNavDisplay_9c7dcfbe81c185ffa3c7ecd7e4299d6a.php on line 39 and defined in /homeXXX/public_html/admin/applications_addon/other/promenu/sources/classes/class_perms.php on line 150

    а в админке крякозябры...

    так что в сравнение выбирать? utf8_general_ci, utf8_unicode_ci, utf8_bin?

  5. ну вроде да.

    $INFO['sql_driver'] = 'mysql';
    $INFO['sql_host'] = 'localhost';
    $INFO['sql_database'] = 'XXX_main';
    $INFO['sql_user'] = 'XXX_main';
    $INFO['sql_pass'] = 'password';
    $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'] = '';
    $INFO['sql_debug'] = '0';
    $INFO['sql_charset'] = '';
    $INFO['board_start'] = '1336130343';
    $INFO['installed'] = '1';
    $INFO['php_ext'] = 'php';
    $INFO['safe_mode'] = '0';
    $INFO['board_url'] = '__pro-ucheba.com';
    $INFO['banned_group'] = '5';
    $INFO['admin_group'] = '4';
    $INFO['guest_group'] = '2';
    $INFO['member_group'] = '3';
    $INFO['auth_group'] = '1';
    $INFO['use_friendly_urls'] = '1';
    $INFO['_jsDebug'] = '0';
    $INFO['mysql_tbl_type'] = 'MyISAM';
    define('IN_DEV', 0);
    /* Remote archive DB - complete these details if you're using a remote DB for the post archive */
    $INFO['archive_remote_sql_host'] = '';
    $INFO['archive_remote_sql_database'] = '';
    $INFO['archive_remote_sql_user'] = '';
    $INFO['archive_remote_sql_pass'] = '';
    $INFO['archive_remote_sql_charset'] = '';

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