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  1. /**
    * Product Title: Shoutbox
    * Author: IPB Works
    * Website URL:
    * Copyrightɺ IPB Works All rights Reserved 2011-2012

    if (!defined('IN_IPB'))
    print "

    Incorrect access

    You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

    class profile_shoutbox extends profile_plugin_parent
    public function return_html_block( $member=array() )
    // Fiddle these settings so we can use the standard shout formatter
    $this->settings['shoutbox_at_tag'] = 0;
    $this->settings['shoutbox_format_colon'] = 0;
    $this->settings['shoutbox_format_extra'] = '';
    $this->settings['shoutbox_format_names'] = 0;
    $this->settings['shoutbox_show_photos'] = 0;

    /* Our library is loaded? */
    if ( !class_exists('app_class_shoutbox') || !$this->registry->isClassLoaded('shoutboxLibrary') )
    ipsRegistry::getAppClass( 'shoutbox' );

    /* Start me up */
    $this->registry->shoutboxLibrary->parser->parsing_mgroup = $this->memberData['member_group_id'];
    $this->registry->shoutboxLibrary->parser->parsing_mgroup_others = $this->memberData['mgroup_others'];

    $data = array();
    $data['shouts'] = '';

    // Next we need to grab all shouts belonging to this user
    $shout = $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 's.*',
    'from' => array( 'shoutbox_shouts' => 's' ),
    'order' => 's_date ' . $this->settings['shoutbox_shout_ordering'],
    'where' => 's.s_mid=' . $member['member_id'],
    ) );
    $result = $this->DB->execute();
    if( $this->DB->getTotalRows( $result ) )
    while( $r = $this->DB->fetch( $result ) )
    $r['s_message'] = $this->registry->shoutboxLibrary->parser->preDisplayParse( $r['s_message'] );
    $data['shouts'] .= $this->registry->shoutboxLibrary->parse_shout( $r );
    $data['shouts'] = 'no Shouts';
    return( $this->registry->output->getTemplate('shoutbox')->shoutboxProfile( $member, $data ) );
    return( $content );

    Нет в 62 строчки этого

  2. post-12485-0-76333600-1379472817.png

    Здравствуйте скажите как переименовать эти вкладки. А именно Shoutbox и Arcade. Публичное название изменено а тут не хочет меняться, И в управление языками их там нет! Где это можно поменять?

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