Files posted by Ruskat
Upload your music. Create playlists. Genres (categories) for songs, playlists. Custom Fields: create any number of custom fields that can be required (or optional) when users upload songs. Integrated with Nexus so users can sell/buy songs. Profile page for artist with rating system. Favorite system: users can create custom playlists. Play music when embedding the link in other apps (Forums, Pages, Blogs,...). RSS feed, import songs from rss feed. Comment system. Rating system. Sharing system. Friendly URL. С версии 4.3.4 появляется ошибка 500 со стороны сайта или конкретно в разделе /musicbox, но со сстороны админки можно отключить. Админка не вешается.
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Полностью переведено на Украинский язык. Думал и на русский перегнать, но не интересовался, есть ли таков перевод. А если бы перевёл, то наезжали бы, что у кого-то скачал и присвоил себе права.
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R 606757069719
Z 984265017213
Create categories.
Unlimited number of subcategories.
Create tournaments which fit into the categories.
A count of open tournaments in each category is kept.
Create teams (max teams per member is set in the ACP).
The team creator determines how many members should be on his or her team, approves or declines applications to the team, and can kick people off of the team.
Teams join tournaments which allow teams with their number of members. there are numerous settings on the tournament form to allow for various combinations of teams.
Tournaments are created in the ACP. The one who creates the tournament can invite teams to it on the public side. Anyone with access to this app in the ACP could edit the tournament.
brackets- single and double elimination brackets are one type of tournament. You can create a 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 team tournament at this point and add byes if you don't have the correct number of teams wanting to join.
ladders- manual move teams on a ladder absed on their performance orL base it automatically on wins, on a simple formula, on ELO ratings (more complicated and precise), etc...
round robin- each team plays each other team x number of times and the team with the best record wins that tournament.
Create an invite only tournament.
Use a standalone point system with the system. Then you can allow team leaders to charge points to join their team. Then those team points are kept separately and can be used to join tournaments which cost points to join. Points can also be obtained in various ways. For individual points with the standalone system you can gain more poitns by commenting. With the internal team points system you can gain some by winning matches or tournaments.
There are many many settings in the ACP. Especially on tournament forms. Be careful with them as there are so many which could interfere with a team's ability to put new memebrs on their teams while involved in a tournament.
Upload logos for categories, tournaments, and teams.
Much more.
Кто может, забросьте сколько можете на кошелек:
R 606757069719
Z 984265017213
Перед установкой желательно сделать бекап всей системы форума и базы данных. Это чтобы вы были застрахованы.
Потом выгрузить все файлы из папки upload на сервер.
Далее перейти в АЦ и установить контент.
Обязательно сделать бекап всёй системы, работающей на IPB. А именно заархивировать или скачать на комп содержимое сервера и сохранить базу данных.
После чего выгружаем всё содержимое из папки upload на сервер в соответствующие папки. После віыгрузки заходим в АЦ и ищеи в приложениях наш IP Content.
Нюансы: Не забудьте переименовать в другое название файл index.php, и выгрузить аналогичный файл вместе с файлом external.php, который находится в папке Tools.
Так же не забудьте в переменной
$path_to_ipb = './forums/';
Находящейся в файле index.php указать путь к папке форума.