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Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2016 08:49:42 +0000
Error: 126 - Incorrect key file for table './newizm_newizm/content_cache_posts.MYI'; try to repair it
IP Address: - /index.php?/topic/1649-oformlenie-kvartiry-v-novom-izmailovo-v-sobstv/page-4
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO content_cache_posts (`cache_content_id`,`cache_content`,`cache_updated`) VALUES(71055,'Если вдруг кто то еще столкнется с подобным - уплата процентов банку за закладную почитайте: <br />\n <br />\n<a href=\'https://rospravosudie.com/court-yaroslavskij-oblastnoj-sud-yaroslavskaya-oblast-s/act-419740021/?export=pdf\' class=\'bbc_url\' title=\'Ссылка\' rel=\'nofollow external\'>https://rospravosudi...021/?export=pdf</a>',1477126182) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cache_content_id=VALUES(cache_content_id),cache_content=VALUES(cache_content),cache_updated=VALUES(cache_updated)
| File | Function | Line No. |
| admin/sources/base/core.php | [db_main_mysql].replace | 328 |
| admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/topics.php | [IPSContentCache].update | 2101 |
| admin/applications/forums/modules_public/forums/topics.php | [app_forums_classes_topics].parsePost | 429 |
| admin/applications/forums/modules_public/forums/topics.php | [public_forums_forums_topics].parsePostRow | 216 |
| admin/sources/base/ipsController.php | [public_forums_forums_topics].doExecute | 306 |
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2016 08:35:39 +0000
Error: 1062 - Duplicate entry '195886' for key 'PRIMARY'
IP Address: - /index.php?/topic/5255-poverka-ili-zamena-ipu-khvs-i-gvs/page-2
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO content_cache_posts (`cache_content_id`,`cache_content`,`cache_updated`) VALUES(195886,'Т.е. по сути - трёх месяцев должно хватить, чтобы отдать счётчик на поверку и получить его обратно...',1477125339) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cache_content_id=VALUES(cache_content_id),cache_content=VALUES(cache_content),cache_updated=VALUES(cache_updated)
| File | Function | Line No. |
| admin/sources/base/core.php | [db_main_mysql].replace | 328 |
| admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/topics.php | [IPSContentCache].update | 2101 |
| admin/applications/forums/modules_public/forums/topics.php | [app_forums_classes_topics].parsePost | 429 |
| admin/applications/forums/modules_public/forums/topics.php | [public_forums_forums_topics].parsePostRow | 216 |
| admin/sources/base/ipsController.php | [public_forums_forums_topics].doExecute | 306 |