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Сообщения, опубликованные kaljukass

  1. Извините, если это место не подходит для этого поста, но я не смог найти другого, работающего с версии 4.5.x, и тема открыта.
    Кто-нибудь может сказать мне, какие изменения были внесены в IPS Community Suite 4.5.4, выпущенный 05 ноября. 2020 или будет ли эта версия доступна со временем.

  2. 3 hours ago, Ryo said:

    При установке выдает ошибку:

    Some source files are not correct for the latest version.

    Это ищё не всё. Некоторые файлы отсутствуют. Я скачал еще один пакет, это была и там было та же история. Те же файлы отсутствуют. В обшем работает, но не всё. Надо ещё подождать.
    This is not all. Some files are missing at all . I downloaded also another package, and  there was the same story. The same files are missing. In general it works, but not all. We still have to wait, maybe the next is better.
    Anyway thanks to everyone who shared his opinion.
    Sorry, I don't have Russian keyboard, that's why I'm writing so little.

  3.  Высота строк совершенно нормально, но я думаю, вы имеете в виду высоты между блоками.
    А это тоже нормальное, но я думаю, чтобы вы делаете всегда новый блок, т.е. перейти на новую строку надо использовать "Shift + Enter", но не только "Enter". Только "Enter" образуют новый блок, однако "Shift + Enter" перерывы строке.

    ( Извините. Русскую клавиатуру нет, поэтому очень трудно писать.)

  4. My mind has ended .. Beta 7 was installed on the first attempt, but 7a can not be done by any way.
    What could be wrong? I can not understand.
    Мой ум кончался.. Beta 7 удалось с первой попытки, но 7а не может быть сделано любым способом.
    Что может быть не так? Не могу понять.



  5. I guess I made in the previous a error. Here is repaired version.
    I can not improve the previous.

    There is one mistake, when to upgrade, then => applications => core => modules => setup => upgrade => license.php row 140 => there is } => delete it


     * @brief		Upgrader: License
     * @author		<a href='__www.invisionpower.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
     * @copyright	(c) 2001 - SVN_YYYY Invision Power Services, Inc.
     * @license		__www.invisionpower.com/legal/standards/
     * @package		IPS Social Suite
     * @since		25 Sep 2014
     * @version		SVN_VERSION_NUMBER
    namespace IPScoremodulessetupupgrade;
    /* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
    if ( !defined( 'IPSSUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
    	header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );
     * Upgrader: License
    class _license extends IPSDispatcherController
    	 * Show Form
    	 * @return	void
    	public function manage()
    		/* Check license key *
    		* if( IPSDb::i()->checkForTable( 'core_store' ) )
    			$licenseData = IPSIPS::licenseKey(); //We simply get it from function
    			$licenseData	= NULL;
    				$license	= IPSDb::i()->select( '*', 'cache_store', array( 'cs_key=?', 'licenseData' ) )->first();
    				$licenseData	= unserialize( $license['cs_value'] );
    			catch( Exception $e ){}
    		if( isset( $licenseData['key'] ) AND !isset( $licenseData['expires'] ) )
    			$licenseData	= $this->getLicenseData();
    		if ( !$licenseData ) or !isset( $licenseData['expires'] ) )
    			$response	= NULL;
    			$active		= NULL;
    			$form		= new запрещённый_сайтersForm( 'licensekey', 'continue' );
    			$form->addMessage( 'O.o We can`t read license data from init.php. Something went wrong! Please, check init.php file!', 'error' );
    			$form->add( new запрещённый_сайтersFormText( 'lkey', 'Continue at your own risk!!!', TRUE, array( 'size' => 70, 'disabled' => TRUE ), function( $val ){
    				IPSIPS::checkLicenseKey( $val, IPSSettings::i()->base_url );
    			} ) );
    			if( $values = $form->values() )
    				$values['lkey'] = 'LICENSE KEY GOES HERE!0000000000'; //NULLING: Overwrite form value
    				if ( mb_substr( $values['ipb_reg_number'], -12 ) === '-TESTINSTALL' )
    					$values['ipb_reg_number'] = mb_substr( $values['ipb_reg_number'], 0, -12 );
    				* Save *
    				$form->saveAsSettings( $values );
    				* Refresh the locally stored license info *
    				if( IPSDb::i()->checkForTable( 'core_store' ) )
    					unset( IPSDataStore::i()->license_data );
    					$licenseData = IPSIPS::licenseKey();
    					* Call the main server *
    					$licenseData	= $this->getLicenseData();
    				* Reset some vars now *
    				$form	= NULL;
    				$active = isset( $licenseData['expires'] ) ? strtotime( $licenseData['expires'] ) > time() : NULL;
    			$active = isset( $licenseData['expires'] ) ? strtotime( $licenseData['expires'] ) > time() : NULL;
    		if( $active )
    		{ */
    			IPSOutput::i()->redirect( IPSHttpUrl::internal( "controller=applications" )->setQueryString( 'key', $_SESSION['uniqueKey'] ) ); //NULLING: Skipping
    		/* }
    		IPSOutput::i()->title		= IPSMember::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('license');
    		IPSOutput::i()->output	= IPSTheme::i()->getTemplate( 'global' )->license( $form, $active );
    	*/ } /*
    	 * Retrieve license data from license server
    	 * @return mixed
    	protected function getLicenseData()
    		* Call the main server *
    			$response = IPSHttpUrl::ips( 'license/' . IPSSettings::i()->ipb_reg_number )->request()->get();
    			if ( $response->httpResponseCode == 404 )
    				$licenseData	= NULL;
    				$licenseData	= $response->decodeJson();
    			IPSDb::i()->replace( 'cache_store', array( 'cs_key' => 'licenseData', 'cs_array' => 1, 'cs_value' => serialize( $licenseData ) ) );
    		catch ( Exception $e )
    			$licenseData	= NULL;
    		return $licenseData;
    	} */


  6. There is one mistake, when to upgrade, then => applications => core => modules => setup => upgrade => license.php  row 140 (the latest) => there is   } => delete it

    Here is repaired.

     * @brief		Upgrader: License
     * @author		<a href='__www.invisionpower.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
     * @copyright	(c) 2001 - SVN_YYYY Invision Power Services, Inc.
     * @license		__www.invisionpower.com/legal/standards/
     * @package		IPS Social Suite
     * @since		25 Sep 2014
     * @version		SVN_VERSION_NUMBER
    namespace IPScoremodulessetupupgrade;
    /* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
    if ( !defined( 'IPSSUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
    	header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );
     * Upgrader: License
    class _license extends IPSDispatcherController
    	 * Show Form
    	 * @return	void
    	public function manage()
    		/* Check license key *
    		* if( IPSDb::i()->checkForTable( 'core_store' ) )
    			$licenseData = IPSIPS::licenseKey(); //We simply get it from function
    			$licenseData	= NULL;
    				$license	= IPSDb::i()->select( '*', 'cache_store', array( 'cs_key=?', 'licenseData' ) )->first();
    				$licenseData	= unserialize( $license['cs_value'] );
    			catch( Exception $e ){}
    		if( isset( $licenseData['key'] ) AND !isset( $licenseData['expires'] ) )
    			$licenseData	= $this->getLicenseData();
    		if ( !$licenseData ) or !isset( $licenseData['expires'] ) )
    			$response	= NULL;
    			$active		= NULL;
    			$form		= new запрещённый_сайтersForm( 'licensekey', 'continue' );
    			$form->addMessage( 'O.o We can`t read license data from init.php. Something went wrong! Please, check init.php file!', 'error' );
    			$form->add( new запрещённый_сайтersFormText( 'lkey', 'Continue at your own risk!!!', TRUE, array( 'size' => 70, 'disabled' => TRUE ), function( $val ){
    				IPSIPS::checkLicenseKey( $val, IPSSettings::i()->base_url );
    			} ) );
    			if( $values = $form->values() )
    				$values['lkey'] = 'LICENSE KEY GOES HERE!0000000000'; //NULLING: Overwrite form value
    				if ( mb_substr( $values['ipb_reg_number'], -12 ) === '-TESTINSTALL' )
    					$values['ipb_reg_number'] = mb_substr( $values['ipb_reg_number'], 0, -12 );
    				* Save *
    				$form->saveAsSettings( $values );
    				* Refresh the locally stored license info *
    				if( IPSDb::i()->checkForTable( 'core_store' ) )
    					unset( IPSDataStore::i()->license_data );
    					$licenseData = IPSIPS::licenseKey();
    					* Call the main server *
    					$licenseData	= $this->getLicenseData();
    				* Reset some vars now *
    				$form	= NULL;
    				$active = isset( $licenseData['expires'] ) ? strtotime( $licenseData['expires'] ) > time() : NULL;
    			$active = isset( $licenseData['expires'] ) ? strtotime( $licenseData['expires'] ) > time() : NULL;
    		if( $active )
    		{ */
    			IPSOutput::i()->redirect( IPSHttpUrl::internal( "controller=applications" )->setQueryString( 'key', $_SESSION['uniqueKey'] ) ); //NULLING: Skipping
    		/* }
    		IPSOutput::i()->title		= IPSMember::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('license');
    		IPSOutput::i()->output	= IPSTheme::i()->getTemplate( 'global' )->license( $form, $active );
    	*/ } /*
    	 * Retrieve license data from license server
    	 * @return mixed
    	protected function getLicenseData()
    		* Call the main server *
    			$response = IPSHttpUrl::ips( 'license/' . IPSSettings::i()->ipb_reg_number )->request()->get();
    			if ( $response->httpResponseCode == 404 )
    				$licenseData	= NULL;
    				$licenseData	= $response->decodeJson();
    			IPSDb::i()->replace( 'cache_store', array( 'cs_key' => 'licenseData', 'cs_array' => 1, 'cs_value' => serialize( $licenseData ) ) );
    		catch ( Exception $e )
    			$licenseData	= NULL;
    		return $licenseData;
    	} */


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