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  1. and yet, you're hawking your "pay for my forum skins" on a warez site. brother, you got some big ones.
  2. Nobody is questioning your fine work but only making personal opinions that you're releasing a version of Novus, enhancing it and trying to profit from it. What you've done is taken a skin that was produced by IPB Warrior and simply made refinements to the skin and deciding to sell it. It would be if someone took the IPB Mafia skin, made some corrections to it, and then decided to sell it for profit. It's just wrong to profit off something someone created before you.
  3. While he's made some improvements to the skin, why would anyone buy it since it's already available here as a free download.
  4. Have you tried providing a demo so that people can see it in action?
  5. Yeah. I wouldn't change too much. Just correct some of the alignment issues. Can't wait to see this when it's finished.
  6.    Respected reacted to тема: Activity Block
  7. I like this version. It looks like he's made some fixes to the original skin, which I noticed alignment errors previously. It's always nice to see improvements, Respected. Can't wait to download the final version.
  8.    Respected reacted to тема: Картинки
  9. To remove the "ipbforumskins.com" link from the footer, edit "globalTemplate" and find: {parse replacement="skinlink"}, and remove the code. Save the changes and reload the skin. The footer "ipbforumskins" links should be gone. Для удаления "ipbforumskins.com" ссылку с нижней, редактировать "globalTemplate" и найти: {parse replacement="skinlink"}, и удалить код. Сохраните изменения и перезагрузите кожи. Колонтитул ссылку "ipbforumskins" должны исчезнуть.