Everything posted by titcrea
- Стиль Villain
Invision Community 4 Nulled
they are a bug in dashbord with this new fix update ParseError: syntax error, unexpected '$blocks' (T_VARIABLE) (0) #0 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::autoloader() #1 *********/system/Dispatcher/Admin.php(172): spl_autoload_call() #2 *********/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Admin->init() #3 *********/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i() #4 {main}
- Invision Community 4 Nulled
- Invision Community 4 Nulled
Как при нажатия Enter уменьшить расстояния между строчками.
check in your template parameter the font-size at 100% and not more or with css change the line-height of your texte to have the same line-height and font-size
Каким кодом сделана эта надпись?
<span id="elCopyright_userLine">WebFlake © 2013-2021 | Made with <i class="fa fa-coffee"></i> & <i class="fa fa-heart" style="color:#fa3e3e;"></i></span>
сжатие картинок при загрузке на сайт
it is not an image compression, it is a choice of display quality on your board If you would compress image you need make it manualy before upload
ranks forum : league of legends
Просмотр файла ranks forum : league of legends Ranks for board on the theme of video games: League of Legends Size : 100×100 Format : PNG Добавил titcrea Добавлено 07.04.2019 Категория Интерфейс Язык english, french
ranks forum : league of legends
- 51 скачивание
- Версия 1.0.0
Ranks for board on the theme of video games: League of Legends Size : 100×100 Format : PNGFree -
Favicon for all link
Hi, comeone have this plugin ? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8729-linkfavicon/ thx in advance
- Chatbox
- Chatbox
- Chatbox
profile avatar hidden for guest
oh ok i have found the first but not the second thx Sipsb
profile avatar hidden for guest
Hi, is posssible to hidden avatar for guest ? i don' t have found this option in ips 4.2.4
Who is online in ips 4.2.1
yes he work you have a new parameter in group setting where you can show or not in who is online the group himself
Who is online in ips 4.2.1
That work on your version ? because in mine that don't work he stay stuck at 0 all time for guest oh sorry my bad i have desactivate the parameter in group setting you delete this post