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  1.    GuguGRP reacted to файл: (k4) Global Statistics
  2. Можно было бы обеспечить пакет IPS Retail?
  3. I could not edit or add photo, then this is my doubt. http://i.imgur.com/liT7hRt.png
  4. I wonder, how to modify this part so that it is as follows. How is it going: As I would like to make: I could not edit, I had to respond to correction. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- It is like this: I would leave it at that:
  5. I am also in need. A user can download to us, and make available on the Forum Downloads area? This is the link https://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/7805-brazilian-portuguese-language-pack-for-ips-community-suite-41x/
  6. As described in the topic title, like the Cloak Plugin files in version 1.1.4. Grateful.