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  1. Mariome posted пост в теме in Interface
    Hi, can you put a new version please?
  2. Hi guys, I have the last update of ipb and there is a bug or not, I don't know but the time in some post doesn't appear in post: is there any solution? Thanks
  3. Thank you sipsb but no one of these options didn't work. When I logout the Navbar work perfectly, but when i login the navbar doesn't work. When i try to Clear Cache in Support and after click to Check Again, why appear to me this page:
  4. anyone please?
  5. Hi guys, Yesterday I have updated my board from 4.2 to 4.3.6 it work all perfectly, but navigation bar doesn't work anymore so now it is: https://i.imgur.com/aeUBAaw.png can you help me please? I tried with menu manager in admin cp but nothing. sorry the link doesn't work, I attached the screenshot:
  6. Hi, after upgrading from 4.2.8 to new version 4.3.1, I have problem with the default theme: Menu navigator bar isn't working as you can see in the screen attached https://i.imgur.com/Z2EKUYo.png and as you can see "Indice, Contenuti non letti, Segna Tutto..." is in Italic mode, and all the site too. Thank you