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  1. Please https://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/7822-cv01-toolbox/ Updated yesterday!
  2. It seems portal 1.5.2 is not compatible with 4.1.7 ! After upgrade to version 4.1.7 if you used portal 1.5.2 in your forum, then you see error 500 in your site and forum will be down!!
  3. quickly?!? today is 4 fays after release....
  4. waiting for nulled, it contain important security bug fixed
  5. sIiiS posted пост в теме in Interface
    No one?!
  6.    sIiiS reacted to файл: IPS Community Suite 4.1 Nulled
  7. What is the different between 4.1.3 and ? If possible upload both of them in retail version and maybe someone can replace 4.1.3 in !
  8. version 4.1.3 released!
  9. sIiiS posted пост в теме in Interface
    new version(V2.1) for IPS4.1.x released, please share it if possible
  10. sIiiS posted пост в теме in Themes and design
    new version for ips4.1.x released, please share this version who has it
  11. Thank you so much, will wait for null version
  12. IS this possible please upload retail version first and then upload NULL ?
  13. Please upload v4.1.1