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    0 Oversted's Reputation

Everything posted by Oversted

  1. Oversted posted пост в теме in Interface
    При награждении выдает следующее: Exception: Sorry to be able to award you must disable the limited edition still available option. (0) #0 /var/www/u0242433/public_html/mysummercar.xyz/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\awards\modules\front\awards\_ajaxcreate->manage() #1 /var/www/u0242433/public_html/mysummercar.xyz/applications/awards/modules/front/awards/ajaxcreate.php(22): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #2 /var/www/u0242433/public_html/mysummercar.xyz/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\awards\modules\front\awards\_ajaxcreate->execute() #3 /var/www/u0242433/public_html/mysummercar.xyz/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #4 {main}
  2. Oversted posted пост в теме in Interface
    В popup.js 13 строк: var port = chrome.runtime.connect({name: "knockknock"}); port.postMessage({type: "popup"}); port.onMessage.addListener(function(msg) { if (msg.question == "popup") port.postMessage({answer: "10"}); // console.log(postmessage) }); $('#popup').click(function (){ window.close() var myWindow = window.open('undock.html','_blank', 'width=400,height=600, scrollbars=0'); });
  3. Oversted posted пост в теме in Interface
    Что за файл popup.jj из пятого пункта?
  4. Я уже перешел на
  5. Не работает на 4.1.9