Everything posted by afshin20
Close the pop-up after downloading any file
Hello In my website, when we click on any of these download links, the pop-up page closes, and to download other download links, we have to click on download this file again? I want the pop-up page not to close until the last download is downloaded. (I also added target="_blank" to the link, but it didn't work )
How to change the shape of the scroll??
::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 10px; background: #2a6a81; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #ebeff3; border-radius: 2px; } اگر از مرورگر فایرفاکس استفاده میکنی این کد ساپورتش نمیکنه ولی برای سایر مرورگر ها مثل کروم، و غیره ساپورت میکنه راه دیگه ایم نداره تلاش نکن webkit no support firefox
How to change the shape of the scroll??
این رو به css اضافه کن :root { scrollbar-color:#000 !important; scrollbar-width:thin !important; border-radius:1ex; }
Ajax loading
Which folder is this in? I found it
Ajax loading
infinite scroll
Can you tell me what data I should write for these cases? I don't know exactly what to write? @Desti @Exception scrollScope, container, url, pageParam <script> ips.ui.infinitescroll({ scrollScope: 'body', container: '#content', distance: 50, url: '{$subcategory->url()}', pageParam: 'page', loadingTpl: 'core.infScroll.loading', pageBreakTpl: 'core.infScroll.pageBreak', disableIn: 'phone,tablet,desktop' }); </script>
infinite scroll
I just want to know, is it possible to do this with javascript code without a plugin?
infinite scroll
{{if $pages > 1}} <script> $(window).on('scroll', function() { if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() >= $(document).height()) { loadMoreItems(); } }); function loadMoreItems() { var currentPage = parseInt('{$page}' || '1'); var nextPage = currentPage + 1; if (nextPage <= {$pages}) { var url = '{$baseUrl->setPage($pageParam, "' + nextPage + '")}'; $.ajax({ url: '/files?page=' + nextPage, type: 'GET', success: function(response) { var items = $(response).find('.item'); $('#itemList').append(items); }, error: function() { // Error message if needed } }); } } </script> {{endif}} @Exception @Desti This code was in the stackoverflow website, can you tell me how I can do this? Please, I need it.
reason for deleting all plugins on the invisioncommunity
What is the reason for deleting all plugins on the invisioncommunity.com reference site? What is the task of updating plugins?
infinite scroll
- infinite scroll
To do this, you need a JavaScript code in the form of Ajax, please help class="ipsLoading" id="elAjaxLoading"- infinite scroll
Can you advise which parts should be changed?- infinite scroll
Can you guide me, what should I do? @Desti- infinite scroll
Can you tell me where the changes in the template should be made so that this infinite scroll is displayed?- hide the box
My son, I don't like to ask monotonous questions, but I have to because you don't answer for free, it's better to ask free questions for you to answer. Now give me the code like last time?- hide the box
With what code can I hide the box related to this section only? https://ipbmafia.ru/files/category/32-invision-power-board-3x/- infinite scroll
Can you fix the infinite scroll plugin? @Desti https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/javascript-framework/using-ui-widgets/ipsuiinfinitescroll-r47/- Error in the support section
This is the answer from my support section that sent me this message What should I do now? Сообщаем Вам, что в связи с тем, что набор функций cur_multi используется хакерами для проведения DDoS-атак, а также из-за крайней чувствительности дата-центров к упомянутым атакам, в связи с этим упомянутые функции в PHP неактивны. , мы просим вас установить соединение, использовать альтернативные функции curl или fsockopen. По этому поводу вы также можете проконсультироваться в отделе поддержки программы.- Error in the support section
I informed the relevant hosting companies that it is installed, this problem only occurs from version 4.7.8 onwards This is a problem for versions higher than 4.7.8- Error in the support section
This error is displayed in the support section of the website, how can I fix it? @Desti @Exception Error: Call to undefined function IPS\Http\Request\curl_multi_init() (0) #0 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/system/Http/Request/Curl.php(496): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->_executeMh() #1 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/system/Http/Request/Curl.php(302): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->_executeAndFollowRedirects('GET', NULL) #2 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(147): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->get() #3 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(67): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->_getFeaturedGuides() #4 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->manage() #5 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(48): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->execute() #7 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main}- add host download to website
I mean the files that are uploaded in the new download section- add host download to website
How to connect the file download section to the download host for large files?- infinite scroll
How can I use infinite scroll instead of paging? What code should I add to the template? @Desti @Exception https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/javascript-framework/using-ui-widgets/ipsuiinfinitescroll-r47/- remove new version details
It is not deleted for paid files If I add the following code, it will not allow users to upload new files. #elDownloadsSubmit_otherinfo { display: none !important; }- remove new version details
@Desti @Exception please help... - infinite scroll