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Весь контент afshin20

  1. Is it possible to add a link to the 404error.php section on the server to redirect 404 pages? @Desti @Exception @by_ix
  2. After adding the code, the page looked like this. I want it to be displayed in full screen.
  3. How can I completely remove the sidebar only for the download section? Can you give me the css code?
  4. Please help. Does anyone know exactly what code I should put? I try any of the following codes, but it doesn't work. .ipsButton.ipsButton_link.ipsButton_link--light.ipsButton_medium.ipsButton_fullWidth { position: fixed; } #elTopicActionsBottom_menu { position: sticky !important; } .ipsMenu.ipsMenu_auto.ipsHide.ipsMenu_topCenter { position: fixed; }
  5. Can you guide me? @by_ix @HooLIGUN We did not understand this languageException .
  6. Какой точный код? Я знаю это сам внутри кодов. Как вы подключаете меня к черному ящику?
  7. Я хотел узнать, какой код можно использовать в IPS согласно изображению ниже, чтобы меню прилипло к черному ящику после прокрутки?
  8. add code to UserBar <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=register" seoTemplate="register"}' {{if \IPS\Login::registrationType() == 'normal'}}data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="sign_up"}'{{endif}} id='elRegisterButton' class='ipsButton ipsButton_normal ipsButton_primary'>{lang="sign_up"}</a>
  9. No, that feature is active inside the control panel. I want to show only the like icon to guest users.
  10. Если вы что-то не так поняли, не комментируйте
  11. Do you mean this part? By enabling this option, the guest user will only see the users they like. I want a "Like" badge to be displayed for guest users who must be members or logged in to like a topic.
  12. What code should I change inside the template to show the like icon to the guest user?
  13. Of course, the server alone does not affect the loading of the site. Sometimes, using a lot of JavaScript codes and some plugins affect the site's loading speed
  14. It depends on your server. No matter how good your server is, there is no problem with the number of visitors.
  15. It's just that there was no need for a plugin before, is this problem only for the default template or do other templates have the same problem?
  16. Hello After upgrading to versions 4.7.6 or 4.7.7, it does not display other items such as download gallery, etc. in the skin section of the css editing section?
  17. The images uploaded in the download section are deleted after a while, I said that maybe the problem will be solved after upgrading to new versions, but it didn't. When I click on the deleted image, it displays this message: [[Template core/global/editor/image is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  18. The images uploaded in the download section are deleted after a while, I said that maybe the problem will be solved after upgrading to new versions, but it didn't. When I click on the deleted image, it displays this message: [[Template core/global/editor/image is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  19. hi Does anyone have this plugin? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9060-topic-redirection-convert-topics-to-links
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