Duplicate posts and files
How we can prevent posts or files (downloads) duplication? On official Marketplace, there is a plugin: But unfortunately, i don't have an account to buy it , if some one has an account, please message me and i will pay for it. Or is there any another options to prevent duplication, please?
Progressive Web App (PWA)
Hi guys, Has anyone successfully set up the Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPS? I followed the instruction step by step, but still I get errors (please see the attached screenshot). No service workers??? Any clue how to fix it? or where is the service workers for IPS?
Minify html output
Thank you. I have this one too, anyways, thanks for your support.
Minify html output
Thank you bro, A question: do you have [IPS Marketplace] Minify HTML Output plugin?
Another home page for logged in users
{{$member = \IPS\Member::loggedIn();}} {{if request.app == 'forums' and request.module == 'forums'}} <script> jQuery(location).attr('href','http://localhost/test.com/forums/'); </script> {{endif}} The code above working for (forums), but how to do it for landingpage plugin?
Another home page for logged in users
Thank you, but not working for Invision Community v4.5.4 (installed version)
odin777 changed their profile photo
Minify html output
Thank you for the fast reply. The instruction not clear enough for me: Include the following code into the php filefilter_none? $htmlpage = file_get_contents('./mypage.html'); Run the php file Please explain
Minify html output
Hi, i am trying to minify html output: 1. Create a PHP file (minify.php), with code: <?php function sanitize_output($buffer) { $search = [ '/\>[^\S ]+/s', '/[^\S ]+\</s', '/(\s)+/s', '/<!--(.|\s)*?-->/' ]; $replace = [ '>', '<', '\\1', '' ]; $buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer); return $buffer; } ob_start("sanitize_output"); ?> 2. in globaltemplate before <!DOCTYPE html>, i added: {{require "minify.php";}} But it's not working..... Please how to Minify html output??
Another home page for logged in users
Thank you man, I tried Not working {{$member = \IPS\Member::loggedIn();}} {{if app == 'landingpage'}} <script> jQuery(location).attr('href', 'http://localhost/test.com/forums/'); </script> {{endif}} Not working {{$member = \IPS\Member::loggedIn();}} {{if app == 'landingpage'}} <script> function myFunction() { window.location.href("http://localhost/test.com/forums/") } </script> {{endif}} Not working
Another home page for logged in users
Hi, I am using the landing page plugin as main home page, and I want to redirect users to forums instead of the index page (if they are logged in). I tried to add this code in globaltemplate before header: {{$member = \IPS\Member::loggedIn();}} {{if app == 'landingpage'}} {{header("Location: http://localhost/test.com/forums/");}} {{endif}} But nothing happened, pls any suggestions?