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  1. New_Vicious posted пост в теме in Interface
    I have solved the previous problems but now for some reason the registration date does not work, as you can see in the images the correct label is used but it does not appear.
  2. New_Vicious posted пост в теме in Interface
    I have 2 bugs when using the plugin This one sometimes happens to me and sometimes it doesn't, the entire hidden area appears black and having the expanded view does not work.
  3. New_Vicious posted пост в теме in Interface
    No working Config logged as member I am still seeing the option to remove the reaction It is also possible to block admins
  4. New_Vicious posted пост в теме in Interface
    Any chance of adding a hide that is unlocked by reactions?
  5. New_Vicious posted пост в теме in Themes and design
    Have Light version?