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  1. I know but I'm looking how I can convert those code to a good one I willn't change every one single post on my forum
  2. Hello. I've used conversion from MyBB 1.8 to IPS 4.3.1 and I'm facing a little problem with BBCode. Align code is writed like an normal text and it isn't aligned Example: http://prntscr.com/jfo2zt
  3. Oh, right Thanks for help!
  4. Okay, I did it But... Now I can't see converted forums Just only new created shows on the Homepage
  5. How should look properly path to mybb installation? I'm trying this: http://prntscr.com/iw1bsv and it's not working
  6. Oh, I didn't saw this thank you! I'll try this ^^
  7. Hello, is possible to migrate from MyBB 1.8 to IPS 4.2? I've found this converter: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/4715-ips-converters-ipboard-34x/ but it's not compatible with IPS 4.x Any ideas or something how can I do this? I'll use IPS Nulled version ;D