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Весь контент Orpheus

  1. For anyone who wants to get more files for IPS from the same author Link: https://github.com/aXenDeveloper
  2. Orpheus

    Spacious ACP

    Anyone got the latest version of this?
  3. Do you have it by chance or anyone here? I don't have the latest version but Members Country v1.2.2
  4. Which crashing exploit? The above you stated? Can you give more details about the crashing? Not sure, but everything works fine even though the slider is on Anyways, wait for the latest version which is 1.1.6 and tinker around with slider to find what's causing it, you may be able to fix it yourself.
  5. There you go Show_Edit_and_Report_Links_Below_Posts__Comments_1.0.1.xml
  6. Which version of IPS you're using? I am using IPS v4.6.9 and Acme v1.1.5 worked just fine for me. Is anybody getting the same error as above?
  7. Assuming, you want to download CKEditor add-ons Here: https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addons/plugins/all
  8. Updated to latest version 1.1.5 What's New Fixed a number settings bug
  9. Theme updated to the latest version available, thanks to @LoveHate
  10. You have to generate the queries first using the above and then run them in MySQL CLI(Console). I did it for my forum the same way. I used phpMyAdmin console inside the same database where I had most of the database tables in MyISAM
  11. How to grab all the tables which are using MyISAM storage engine? SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', TABLE_SCHEMA, '.', TABLE_NAME,' ENGINE=InnoDB;') FROM Information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'DBNAME' AND ENGINE = 'MyISAM' AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' Where DBNAME is the database name, then copying all the output queries you've to run in console and hit CTRL+Enter Done! hope that helps
  12. This? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8483-bim-hide-link-and-code/
  13. Will be updated to latest version very soon!
  14. Updated to latest v1.1.1.0, thanks to @AlphaStar
  15. Thanks @by_ix & @AlphaStarfor the updates
  16. Sorry, I don't have the latest version for now
  17. Not sure if this is what you want to do, but this helped me long back. How to grab all the tables which are using MyISAM storage engine? Use below SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', TABLE_SCHEMA, '.', TABLE_NAME,' ENGINE=InnoDB;') FROM Information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'DBNAME' AND ENGINE = 'MyISAM' AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' Then copying all the output queries you've to run in console and hit CTRL+Enter Where DBNAME is the database name Enjoy!
  18. Which version of Acme Theme you've installed? And on which IPS version?
  19. Updated to latest version 1.1.2 What's New Light fixes in our picks
  20. Which version of Theme you've installed?
  21. Will be updated to latest version very soon!
  22. Does this make any sense? # Disallow directories User-agent: * Disallow: /admin/ Disallow: /api/ Disallow: /applications/ Disallow: /cgi-bin/ Disallow: /datastore/ Disallow: /plugins/ Disallow: /system/ # Disallow files Disallow: /ips4.php Disallow: /404error.php Disallow: /Credits.txt Disallow: /error.php Disallow: /upgrading.html # Disallow Pages Disallow: /login/ Disallow: /register/ Disallow: /lostpassword/ Disallow: /online/ Disallow: /contact/ Disallow: /support/ Disallow: /profile/ Disallow: /forum/movies/ # Disallow Query Strings Disallow: /?tab=* Disallow: /index.php?* Disallow: /*?app=* Disallow: /*sortby=* Disallow: /*/?do=download Disallow: /profile/*/?do=* Disallow: /profile/*/content/ Disallow: /*?do=add Disallow: /*?do=email Disallow: /*?do=getNewComment Disallow: /*?do=getLastComment Disallow: /*?do=findComment* Sitemap: https://domain.com/sitemap.php
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