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Весь контент BlackShot

  1. I found one on another website, but it's on sale for 300 RUB. I would help buy it, but my credit card info doesn't work with RUB. 404 Management. I'm not sure I'm allowed sending the link here, but send me a private message if you're interested.
  2. Genius! I'll try that soon and let you know if I had success. PS: I completed a basic PHP course and now I'm trying to study object oriented PHP like you recommended, but I still feel like it's going to be a loooong fucking journey. Shit is difficult. I'm trying though.
  3. I've added it to the proper file and unset its value - it works! The only downside to this is it adds a checkbox for every form created, whereas I only wanted it to show for specific ones. But that's still better than changing so much code, right? Thanks, Desti 🏆
  4. Хороший вопрос, и если я правильно понял, то это и есть ответ. Я хочу сделать это обязательным полем, тогда как форма не будет отправлена, если пользователь не установил флажок. Что-то вроде согласия с условиями обслуживания, понимаете?
  5. Я использую настраиваемые поля как для приложения под названием Application Forms, так и для Commerce. Почти все настраиваемые поля имеют возможность установить их как обязательные поля, за исключением некоторых. В моем случае я хочу, чтобы «флажок» действовал как обязательное поле. Я пошел в system > CustomField и отредактировал CustomField.php. Я смог показать параметр обязательного поля, но он просто не работает. Это просто визуально. Я также пошел в system > Helpers > Form > Checkbox.php, но я понятия не имею, что там редактировать. 😅
  6. Jesus Christ, that's magic Desti! I had spent so many hours trying to make this work - still can't believe I only needed such a short line of code. 😅 If you have time for it, I'm a bit curious. I know "unset" unsets local variables, but what does it do - in practice - with the code we edited? How did you figure that was the issue and where to find the right place to put it into? Did you just search for "values ="? At least I'm happy I was able to figure where to add the Captcha code correctly. 😂
  7. That's probably the culprit then (the handler). So I'm assuming I'm inserting the Captcha part into the wrong function? Because, without it, everything works just fine. Here's the complete file without the Captcha part. I was inserting it into 'public function get_form()' because that's what seems to create the submit button: https://pastebin.com/AVWswcLm or: Here's the default app: Application Forms 3.5.0 (2).tar
  8. I'm not. 😂 I have to use Google Translate to communicate in Russian, and Desti knows that. He's just being considerate and making it easier for me.
  9. This guy really deserves some appreciation for being so helpful, patient, and keeping the IPS community alive. As I can't send anything through YooMoney, I've sent you a small 'thank you amount' through other means. 🏆

  10. Can you share screenshots of what you have and what you'd like to have? At least a concept? Maybe the Bug Tracker app would do the work for you, but you would have to use that instead of Nexus/Commerce support tickets. Nexus was entirely built to work in your AdminCP, so I don't think it's too easy changing it to work externally.
  11. Извини, что ты имеешь ввиду? Я могу поделиться файлом с изменениями, которые я сообщил в основном посте, если хотите. Это поможет? 😬
  12. Если кто-нибудь знает о приложении или плагине, использующем reCaptcha, сообщите мне, чтобы я мог изучить или сравнить коды. Спасибо!
  13. Привет, Я пытаюсь добавить, чтобы добавить reCaptcha для гостей для приложения «Application Forms». Я пошел в: sources\Position\Position.php Я изменил его с: К: reCaptcha добавляется в форму, но при нажатии «отправить» пользователь возвращается обратно, а не на страницу подтверждения отправки. Интересно, чего мне здесь не хватает. Я сравнил с приложениями IPS, и большинство из них имеют только эту строку кода. Ничего особенного.
  14. @by_ix Как вы думаете, вы можете протянуть мне руку здесь? Пытаюсь добавить reCaptcha для гостей. Я пошел в: sources\Position\Position.php Я изменил его с: К: reCaptcha добавляется в форму, но при нажатии «отправить» пользователь возвращается обратно, а не на страницу подтверждения отправки.
  15. Aha! Works perfectly now - you're a legend! Why do you think IPS didn't have that added in the first place? You think they just missed it, didn't consider their international userbase, or does it affect performance/security? 🤔
  16. Mine doesn't have that cm prefix. Maybe it's an older/newer version? Anyway, how about core_pfields_data (pf_content) or nexus_support_fields (sf_extra)?
  17. And in this case, such data (id, name) can be found in forums\sources\Forum\Forum.php, right? Which is where the class \IPS\forums\Forum is located in. This is becoming fun - I feel like I've been learning a lot from you and these forums. Do you recommend any guides, videos or content for beginners at coding, Desti? Or do you have any tips? I'm finding all of this super interesting. I hope to contribute a lot more in the future with plugins and (who knows?) apps.
  18. Wow, I can't believe a function wasn't necessary at all. What would be the purpose of having a function then? To make it easier and simpler if you have a lot of theme hooks, for example? Everything works fine now, thanks to you Desti! I even removed the 'forumstyle' setting. Just a list of forums is enough for now. BTW, where can I check if an argument like $forum is enough or if I need to write $forum->id?
  19. Great tip!! I didn't know about var_dump, it'll make it much easier from now on. I was able to reproduce it here: So, now that we have figured the hook has to be from \IPS\forums\Forum, what would be the proper function? static function? Just function? Do I add \IPS\forums\Forum before $forum? This is the most confusing part for me. I'm trying this but it's still throwing an error: Forum Lists Style 1.0.4 (1).xml
  20. I'm not sure I learned the logic of classes and functions yet, so I just checked other plugins and tried to do something similar. What do you suggest I do instead, or how should I think like so the functions make sense? Edit: From my newbie perspective, I think adding it to '\IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\index' makes sense because that's where forumRow is located in. I also think it makes sense adding it to \IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\forums, because that's where I see the argument $forum being created.
  21. You're right. I was making the plugin so late at night that I didn't realize such silly mistakes. There were others too, like having an extra '(' somewhere or not using the proper setting name. It's a bit better, but I'm getting this message now: 1st hook (theme): \IPS\Theme\class_forums_front_index 2nd hook (code): \IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\forums Settings: {{if $forum->forumstyle()}} is actually {{if $forum->forumstyles()}}, but I'm still getting an error. Forum Lists Style 1.0.3 (1).xml
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