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Reputation Activity
revolltadoos got a reaction from Xontero for файл, Language Pack for CHATBOX 2.5.7 in Portuguese BRAZILMinha primeira contribuição ao fórum. espero contribuir mais, para adicionar basta navegar para a pasta DATA e extrair esse arquivo lá, irá traduzir o chatbox versão 2.5.7.
Também procuro traduções para IPS COMPLETAS EM PORTUGUÊS, e para o sistema de PONTUAÇÃO, se alguém tiver ficaria grato
My first contribution to the forum. hope to contribute more, to add just navigate to the DATA folder and extract that file there, it will translate chatbox version 2.5.7.
I'm also looking for translations for FULL IPS IN PORTUGUESE, and for the SCORE system, if anyone has it I would be grateful
revolltadoos got a reaction from by_ix for файл, Language Pack for CHATBOX 2.5.7 in Portuguese BRAZILMinha primeira contribuição ao fórum. espero contribuir mais, para adicionar basta navegar para a pasta DATA e extrair esse arquivo lá, irá traduzir o chatbox versão 2.5.7.
Também procuro traduções para IPS COMPLETAS EM PORTUGUÊS, e para o sistema de PONTUAÇÃO, se alguém tiver ficaria grato
My first contribution to the forum. hope to contribute more, to add just navigate to the DATA folder and extract that file there, it will translate chatbox version 2.5.7.
I'm also looking for translations for FULL IPS IN PORTUGUESE, and for the SCORE system, if anyone has it I would be grateful
revolltadoos reacted to Ryo for файл, Members ShopЭто приложение добавит на ваш сайт магазин и систему баллов, пользователи смогут зарабатывать и тратить свои заработанные баллы, которые они получили (или купили, если у вас установлена IPCommerce). Вы можете начислять баллы своим пользователям за активность в вашем сообществе, за загруженные файлы и многое другое.
revolltadoos reacted to BlackShot for файл, Download ReactSimply creates a download restriction. Users have to react to files before being able to download them.
Fixed download bypassing (caused by IPS code).
Thanks to @by_ix for helping with the base code!
revolltadoos reacted to newload for файл, IPS Community Suite Português (Brasil) Language PackTranslated by me for IPS 4.6.12
Update for IPS
Português (BR)
Português (BR)