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Everything posted by Yarin33

  1. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9894-ne-custom-profile-fields-on-quick-registration-form/ some1 ??????????? plz
  2. Hey How put the text down? It's not good for phone view.
  3. Yarin33 posted пост в теме in Interface
  4. postContainer: <li data-role='custom-field' class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break'> {{if $comment->author()->core_pfieldgroups() => core_pfield()}} {{$field = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->profileFields( \IPS\core\ProfileFields\Field::PROFILE )['core_pfieldgroups_1']['core_pfield_2'];}} <span class = 'ipsOnlineStatus_online11'> owner of: {$field} </span> </li> {{endif}} SPACIVA
  5. Hey guy, I speak english but a big fun of this forum guys for the last months. I Just created a custom field here: Now, the user has to choose an option from the list. But - I want to put this inside the view of postCotainer. I know it should be like this: <span class="ipc_l"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> {lang="$field"}:</span> <span class="ipc_r">{"$field"}</span> but I dont know what is the field value and how to put it... How can I put it??? Thanks GOD BLESS U ALL
  6. Yarin33 posted пост в теме in Interface
    Hey @by_ix I'm speaking english. I already uploded the XML but can't look for it in my ACP. Also nothing changed in the homepage. Can you help me please?