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  1. Look it display the username in Groups sections aswell in the who's online widget, this is a bug !
  2. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9892-axen-advanced-members/ Any of you guys have this plugin ?
  3. worked thank you very much
  4. public static function getItemsWithPermission( $where=array(), $order=NULL, $limit=10, $permissionKey='read', $includeHiddenItems=\IPS\Content\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags=0, \IPS\Member $member=NULL, $joinContainer=FALSE, $joinComments=FALSE, $joinReviews=FALSE, $countOnly=FALSE, $joins=NULL, $skipPermission=FALSE, $joinTags=TRUE, $joinAuthor=TRUE, $joinLastCommenter=TRUE, $showMovedLinks=FALSE ) { $member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(); if ( !$member->isAdmin() ) { $joinContainer = TRUE; } return parent::getItemsWithPermission( $where, $order, $limit, $permissionKey, $includeHiddenItems, $queryFlags, $member, $joinContainer, $joinComments, $joinReviews, $countOnly, $joins, $skipPermission, $joinTags, $joinAuthor, $joinLastCommenter, $showMovedLinks ); } this function is the problem i think it should be converted to php 8.0+ this function is present in 2 files sources\Tournaments\Tournaments.php and sources\Teams\Teams.php
  5. shadowbringer it crashes my website (i am using 4.7.7)
  6. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9160-tournaments/ Any of you guys have this plugin ?