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  1. I need a news app developed for InvisionCommunity using existing News API providers. I've completed the DESIGN part of this app including table design and most of the SQL and the requirements are quite easier to implement. You just have to code the app covering these simplified requirements which would save you a LOT of time from not having to start from design. In a nutshell - The app will display news for the searched criteria AND requested page number - either from the single serialized/cached data row in the cache table for search criteria and the page number, or if the cache is missing/expired, fetch results from NewsData.io API for the requested page number, serialize/cache API results in a single cache table row and display the news. There will be a couple of reports in the ACP for testing, usage reconciliation, etc. (quick-n-dirty data dump to screen is fine), clear cache to make sure caching is working as expected and some clean-up functionality to purge old data if the tables grow too big. Primary requirement - https://newsdata.io NewsApi.org docs & PHP Client source code - https://newsapi.org/docs NewsData.io offers a simple PHP Client source code - https://newsdata.io/documentation/#client_php $ composer require newsdataio/newsdataapi <?php require_once '../autoload.php';= use NewsdataIO\NewsdataApi; $newsdataApiObj = new NewsdataApi("pub_2779849180d07e378f32d78b5feed0a93948e"); // Pass your desired strings in an array with unique key $data = array("q" => "ronaldo", "country" => "ie"); $response = $newsdataApiObj->get_latest_news($data); ?> DOCS https://newsdata.io/documentation PHP Client - https://newsdata.io/documentation/#client_php First request example - https://newsdata.io/blog/how-to-make-your-first-request-with-newsdata-io/ Pagination - https://newsdata.io/documentation/#pagination Example - https://newsdata.io/api/1/news?apikey=pub_2779849180d07e378f32d78b5feed0a93948e&q=music Endpoint - https://newsdata.io/documentation/#http_response If you are interested in developing this app, PM me and I can send you the detailed design and requirements so you can come up with an estimate of money and time it takes.