Can't enter forums
SOLVED issue by disabling Friendly urls. Thanks for support before, but not helping now
Can't enter forums
https://prnt.sc/5jhQ3S2Zdw1i This is my .htaccess what should i change in it?
Can't enter forums
https://forum.okmuonline.com/ Help me fix the issue, what could be the issue, PLEASE!
Can't enter forums
Or maybe becouse of Database Prefix?
Can't enter forums
https://www.okmuonline.com/forum/ I am still having issue, cant find a solution Cant access any forum or category Could it be something with permissions?
Can't enter forums
I am using Php version 7.4 i cant use higher than 3.4
Can't enter forums
I tried installation 5 times with different versions. Same is here - https://okmuonline.com/forum/
Can't enter forums
I really cant find a solution for this.
Can't enter forums
This is my htaccesss # BEGIN cPanel-generated php ini directives, do not edit # Manual editing of this file may result in unexpected behavior. # To make changes to this file, use the cPanel MultiPHP INI Editor (Home >> Software >> MultiPHP INI Editor) # For more information, read our documentation (https://go.cpanel.net/EA4ModifyINI) <IfModule php7_module> php_flag display_errors Off php_value max_execution_time 30 php_value max_input_time 60 php_value max_input_vars 1000 php_value memory_limit 128M php_value post_max_size 64M php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 7200 php_value session.save_path "/tmp" php_value upload_max_filesize 256M php_flag zlib.output_compression On </IfModule> <IfModule lsapi_module> php_flag display_errors Off php_value max_execution_time 30 php_value max_input_time 60 php_value max_input_vars 1000 php_value memory_limit 128M php_value post_max_size 64M php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 7200 php_value session.save_path "/tmp" php_value upload_max_filesize 256M php_flag zlib.output_compression On </IfModule> # END cPanel-generated php ini directives, do not edit
Can't enter forums
I am using apache i installed web sucessfully. what is FURL, can you give more info?
Can't enter forums
Hello, i am having issue with entering forums. Basicly when i click on some section, it doesnt go inside of it. https://forum.okmuonline.com/ When click on news, or Events nothing is happening. it stays on main page.
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