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Everything posted by Riding

  1. Собственно вот она проблема ---->> An error occured with the SQL server: mySQL query error: INSERT INTO cache_store (`cs_array`,`cs_key`,`cs_value`,`cs_updated`,`cs_rebuild`) VALUES(1,'ipsNewsData','a:3:{s:4:"news";b:0;s:6:"vcheck";b:0;s:4:"time";i:1370570323;}',1370570323,0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cs_array=VALUES(cs_array),cs_key=VALUES(cs_key),cs_value=VALUES(cs_value),cs_updated=VALUES(cs_updated),cs_rebuild=VALUES(cs_rebuild) This is not a problem with the IPS Community Suite but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above. ← Return to the index КАК УБРАТЬ ОШИБКУ? "Я в этом деле новичок!"