Posted 20 декабря, 201410 yr Добрый день, столкнулся с такими ошибками .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | File | Function | Line No. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------| | applications/forums/modules_public/forums/topics.php | [public_forums_forums_topics].returnLastPost | 1065 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------' | applications/forums/modules_public/forums/topics.php | [public_forums_forums_topics]._doViewCheck | 188 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------' | sources/base/ipsController.php | [public_forums_forums_topics].doExecute | 302 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 00:29:26 +0000 Error: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DESC LIMIT 0,1' at line 1 по порядку.. . строка 1065 = $this->returnLastPost(); функция public function returnLastPost( $topicData=false ) { /* Init */ $topicData = ( $topicData === false ) ? $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData() : $topicData; $forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] ); $permissionData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPermissionData(); $st = 0; $query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery('visible'); $_posts = $topicData['posts']; if( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts( $topicData['forum_id'] ) ) { $_posts += intval($topicData['topic_queuedposts']); } if( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] ) { $_posts += intval($topicData['topic_deleted_posts']); } /* Can we deal with hidden posts? */ if ( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts( $topicData['forum_id'] ) ) { if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] ) { /* See queued and soft deleted */ $query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'approved', 'sdeleted', 'hidden' ) ); } else { /* Otherwise, see queued and approved */ $query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'visible', 'hidden' ) ); } } else { /* We cannot see hidden posts */ if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] ) { /* See queued and soft deleted */ $query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array('approved', 'sdeleted') ); } } if( $_posts ) { if ( (($_posts + 1) % $this->settings['display_max_posts']) == 0 ) { $pages = ($_posts + 1) / $this->settings['display_max_posts']; } else { $number = ( ($_posts + 1) / $this->settings['display_max_posts'] ); $pages = ceil( $number ); } $st = ($pages - 1) * $this->settings['display_max_posts']; if( $this->settings['post_order_sort'] == 'desc' ) { $st = (ceil(($_posts/$this->settings['display_max_posts'])) - $pages) * $this->settings['display_max_posts']; } } $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'pid', 'from' => 'posts', 'where' => "topic_id=".$topicData['tid'] . $query, 'ORDER' => $this->settings['post_order_column'].' DESC', 'limit' => array( 0,1 ) ) ); $this->DB->execute(); $post = $this->DB->fetch(); $this->registry->output->silentRedirect($this->settings['base_url']."showtopic=".$topicData['tid']."&pid={$post['pid']}&st={$st}&"."#entry".$post['pid'], $topicData['title_seo'] ); } строка 188 = /* Specific view? */ $this->_doViewCheck(); функция protected function _doViewCheck() { /* Init */ $topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData(); $forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] ); $permissionData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPermissionData(); if ( $this->request['view'] ) { /* Determine what we can see */ $_approved = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery( array( 'visible' ), '' ); /* Can we deal with hidden posts? */ if ( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts( $topicData['forum_id'] ) ) { if ( $permissionData['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] ) { /* See queued and soft deleted */ $_approved = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery( array( 'approved', 'sdeleted', 'hidden' ), '' ); } else { /* Otherwise, see queued and approved */ $_approved = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery( array( 'visible', 'hidden' ), '' ); } } else { /* We cannot see hidden posts */ if ( $permissionData['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] ) { /* See queued and soft deleted */ $_approved = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery( array( 'approved', 'sdeleted' ), '' ); } } if ( $this->request['view'] == 'getnextunread' ) { $tid = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getNextUnreadTopicId(); if ( $tid ) { $topic = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicById( $tid ); $this->returnNewPost( $topic ); } else { $this->registry->output->showError( 'topics_none_newer', 10356, null, null, 404 ); } } else if ($this->request['view'] == 'new') { //----------------------------------------- // Newer //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'tid, title_seo', 'from' => 'topics', 'where' => "forum_id={$forumData['id']} AND {$_approved} AND state <> 'link' AND last_post > {$topicData['last_post']}", 'ORDER' => 'last_post', 'LIMIT' => array( 0,1 ) ) ); $this->DB->execute(); if ( $this->DB->getTotalRows() ) { $this->topic = $this->DB->fetch(); $this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."showtopic=".$topicData['tid'], $topicData['title_seo'] ); } else { $this->registry->output->showError( 'topics_none_newer', 10356, null, null, 404 ); } } else if ($this->request['view'] == 'old') { //----------------------------------------- // Older //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'tid, title_seo', 'from' => 'topics', 'where' => "forum_id={$forumData['id']} AND {$_approved} AND state <> 'link' AND last_post < {$topicData['last_post']}", 'order' => 'last_post DESC', 'limit' => array( 0,1 ) ) ); $this->DB->execute(); if ( $this->DB->getTotalRows() ) { $this->topic = $this->DB->fetch(); $this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."showtopic=".$topicData['tid'], $topicData['title_seo'] ); } else { $this->registry->output->showError( 'topics_none_older', 10357, null, null, 404 ); } } else if ($this->request['view'] == 'getlastpost') { //----------------------------------------- // Last post //----------------------------------------- $this->returnLastPost(); } else if ($this->request['view'] == 'getnewpost') { $this->returnNewPost(); } else if ($this->request['view'] == 'findpost') { //----------------------------------------- // Find a post //----------------------------------------- $pid = intval($this->request['p']); $query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery('visible'); /* Can we deal with hidden posts? */ if ( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts( $topicData['forum_id'] ) ) { if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] ) { /* See queued and soft deleted */ $query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'approved', 'sdeleted', 'hidden' ) ); } else { /* Otherwise, see queued and approved */ $query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'visible', 'hidden' ) ); } } else { /* We cannot see hidden posts */ if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] ) { /* See queued and soft deleted */ $query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array('approved', 'sdeleted') ); } } if ( $pid > 0 ) { $sort_value = $pid; $sort_field = ($this->settings['post_order_column'] == 'pid') ? 'pid' : 'post_date'; if($sort_field == 'post_date') { $date = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'post_date', 'from' => 'posts', 'where' => 'pid=' . $pid ) ); $sort_value = $date['post_date']; } $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as posts', 'from' => 'posts', 'where' => "topic_id={$topicData['tid']} AND {$sort_field} <=" . intval( $sort_value ) . $query ) ); $this->DB->execute(); $cposts = $this->DB->fetch(); if ( (($cposts['posts']) % $this->settings['display_max_posts']) == 0 ) { $pages = ($cposts['posts']) / $this->settings['display_max_posts']; } else { $number = ( ($cposts['posts']) / $this->settings['display_max_posts'] ); $pages = ceil($number); } $st = ($pages - 1) * $this->settings['display_max_posts']; if( $this->settings['post_order_sort'] == 'desc' ) { $st = (ceil(($topicData['posts']/$this->settings['display_max_posts'])) - $pages) * $this->settings['display_max_posts']; } $search_hl = ''; if( !empty( $this->request['hl'] ) ) { $search_hl .= "&hl={$this->request['hl']}"; } if( !empty( $this->request['fromsearch'] ) ) { $search_hl .= "&fromsearch={$this->request['fromsearch']}"; } $this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."showtopic=".$topicData['tid']."&st={$st}&p={$pid}{$search_hl}"."&#entry".$pid, $topicData['title_seo'] ); } else { $this->returnLastPost(); } } } } строка 302 = $this->doExecute( $registry ); функция protected function doExecute( ipsRegistry $registry ) { $modules_dir = ( IPS_AREA != 'admin' ) ? 'modules_public' : 'modules_admin'; $filepath = IPSLib::getAppDir( IPS_APP_COMPONENT ) . '/' . $modules_dir . '/' . ipsRegistry::$current_module . '/' . ipsRegistry::$current_section . '.php'; $filepath = str_replace( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH, '', $filepath ); //----------------------------------------- // Redirect to board index //----------------------------------------- if ( ! (IPS_APP_COMPONENT == 'forums' AND ipsRegistry::$current_module == 'forums' AND ipsRegistry::$current_section == 'boards') ) { if( IPB_THIS_SCRIPT == 'admin' ) { $registry->output->silentRedirect( ipsRegistry::$settings['_base_url'] ); } else { $registry->output->silentRedirect( ipsRegistry::$settings['_original_base_url'] ); } } //----------------------------------------- // Uh oh, this is a big one.. (no forums app) //----------------------------------------- if ( ! is_file( $filepath ) ) { $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( array( 'command_file_missing', $filepath ), 401100, null, null, 404 ); } else { $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( array( 'command_class_incorrect', $filepath ), 401200, null, null, 404 ); } } помогите решить проблему... при переходе по такого ввида ссылке htp://сайт.ru/index.php?/topic/1-топик/page__view__getlastpost получаю всем знакомый экран Edited 20 декабря, 201410 yr by promo