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(NE) Mention list enhancements 1.0.2

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Плагин расширяет возможности упоминания пользователей. Полное описание:

  • Plugin which enhances the information available in the list of names generated when using @mention functionality
  • Option to show account's online status.
  • Option to show icons showing the account's notification settings for "Someone mentions me in a post" i.e. email & inline
  • includes ability to manage the icons for enabled/disabled status of those settings (uses Font-Awesome)
  • Option to show name of account's primary group.
  • includes ability to show group as plain text or as formatted in group settings.
  • Ability to exclude certain groups from the list, as well as exclude banned and validating accounts.
  • Compatible with IPS 4.1 (tested with, IPS 4.2 and IPS 4.3
  • Plugin hooks in to the core->global->editor->mentionrow template
  • This plugin does not provide the ability to mention a group. If you require that functionality, then this plugin is more suitable.

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