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Новое в версии 5.0.4
#4087: Fix issue where non-existent node class can break the menu
#4089: Even More Editor Improvements
- Issue #4069: Quoting selected text from different pages is not saved in editor
- Issue #4084: v4 Lazy Load Content broken in v5 Editor
- Issue #4054: Problem with sending an empty message in posts
- Issue #4033: Tiptap formatting options keep changing order
- Issue #3961: [5.0.3] Emoji dialog goes out of bounds when opened when window is narrow
- Issue #3970: Minor UI bugs (posts content)
- Issue #3867: Odd pasting behavior
- Issue #3866: Editor - Cannot create custom iframe from empty link
- Issue #3394: Tiptap dropdown menus
- Issue #3597: Can't past attachments in the editor when it's in a modal & missing css file when embedding an URL
- Issue #3713: Editor translation keys missing
- Issue #3939: Cannot insert Custom Emoji from Editor Toolbar
#4088: Added several template hook points
#4086: Fixes an issue where admins do not get the new member registered email when validating is on
#4070: Fix issues with delays in rendering custom badges
#4079: Added margin around message in Edit History modal
#3418: Support RTL in Page Editor
#4077: Fixed border-radius and excess padding of ACP Statistics boxes
#4078: Prevented badges from shrinking
#4080: Fixed bottom padding in topic preview hovercards
#4071: Fix issues with last post data displayed on the forum feed view
#4073: Add attribution for Giphy
#4057: Fixes an issue where clubs aren't sorted by last activity correctly.
#4072: Fixes an issue where notifications were sent when Cloud Spam Analysis flagged content as spam for deletion
#4065: Fixed spacing in toolbox
#4059: Allows 'Mark Helpful' to be switched off on a per-group basis
#4024: Make sure Platform is enabled and cannot be disabled
#4019: Fix pasting emojis inside plain text
#3997: Fix issue where missing mod permission throws an error
#3935: Load extension classes by checking JSON files
#3962: Fix issue where guests can comment on blogs even when group permissions are disabled
#4056: Fixes an issue where a member's followers do not show
#4051: Minor UI polish for select[multiple] elements
#4052: Added padding to background processes
#4053: Improved UI of attachments
#4050: Backup v4 legacy database templates
#4043: Reverse the order of reactions on the front end
#4046: Force tag field to show all available options
#4049: Fixes an issue where Pages category management could not be loaded in the ACP
#4047: Fix issue where topic solution showed out of order
#3561: Restore HTML pages functionality for Pages
#4045: Remove extra space from theme XML file name
#4044: Fix casing of Featured Content widget title
#4042: Fixes and issue where upgrading from v4 can throw an error on a missing column
#4027: Fix issue where group names with HTML show as raw HTML in some places
#4041: Block CDN endpoints that can be flagged as crawl errors in Google WMT
#4034: Fixed overflowing content in ACP Profiles
#4028: Set default value for club display setting
#4026: Allow conversion of multiple nodes to a single code block
#4031: Show database subcategories using the specified layout
#4021: Fix Theme Editor Custom CSS quirks
#4025: Fix issue where custom emojis could not be deleted
#4002: Allow the images widget to open links in a new tab
#4023: Specify database table to prevent ambiguous columns SQL error
#4029: Handle curly quotes in SEO titles
#4016: Restore Ajax polling Comment Feeds
#4015: Fix query in RebuildSolvedStats queue extension
#4018: Fix issue where bad poll data threw an exception
#4022: Fix issue where some custom CSS files were not parsing resource tags
#3727: Prevent discussion forums from being dragged to root level
#3578: Make open assignments more visible
#3576: Fix TypeError when bypassing permission checks in getItemsWithPermission
#3984: Fixed UI of warning panel and Secure Account page
#3993: Fix issue where invalid image dimensions throws an exception
#3994: Fix issue where Messenger throws an exception when the user cannot create PMs
#3995: Remove padding options from Tagged Content block
#3998: Fix error when deleting package reviews
#3999: Support SVG files for reputation level badges
#4001: Support display position for media fields
#4003: Add "offset" option to all content widgets
#4006: Added online status to all comments/reviews
#3788: Implemented Tag Merge tool and Bulk Delete
#3992: Fixes an issue where a field with a missing name would trigger an error
#3596: Fix Build Extension finish method + implement a possibility to add own filters
#3982: Fixed minor UI issues on Tags page
#3983: Fixed size of footer icons in PWA
#3985: Removed red background from autocomplete when it's submitted as empty
#3986: Fixed closing element tags in polls
#3987: Relocated the mobile footer so it sits last in the DOM
#3991: Fix v4 applications breaking v5 club counter rebuilds
#3065: Fix broken pagination issue
#3965: Allows Downloads linked files to have their real name edited
#3850: Check format of the date before attempting to display
#3907: Prevent hovercard from stretching to full width
#3908: Removed styles from nested .ipsBox elements
#3909: Polished UI of Register and Login forms
#3910: Adjusted position of tooltip stem
#3923: Add missing „Share on .." language strings
#3931: Added fallback colors for iOS 15
#3933: Fix issue where guest comments hang instead of showing a "pending approval" message
#3943: Use HTML as the default language for Monaco Editors
#3956: Update Follow Button when following comment from the comment or review form
#3960: Improved the display of Club Names
#3964: Allow featured content to be removed when settings no longer allow it to be featured
#3941: Fixes an issue where photos are incorrectly rotated when using GD.
#3955: Fix deletion of comments without a valid item
#3947: Fix default PWA start_url
#3936: Fixes an issue where sorting assignments in the ModCP can throw a SQL error
#3929: Editor support for iOS 15
#3926: Fixes an issue where Cloud feature trial shows the incorrect end-date
#3925: Fix SendGrid Bulk Mail
#2251: Added a default max-width to portrait videos
#4116: Fix issue where assignment was not removed when commenting
#4117: Fix issues where default calendar views showed an error
#4118: Remove duplicate hook points
#4120: Extract onlineUsersRow into a separate template so that hook point is usable
#4122: Remove last_post_data upgrade step
#4124: Fix issue where club calendars were loading the overview with incorrect links
#4098: Fix issue where en-dash character broke SEO titles (also patched in Beta 1)
#4094: Fix issue where Open Assignments menu did not show team assignments (also patched in Beta 1)
#4126: New content related webhooks
#4141: Editor dropdown improvements
- Issue #4130: [5.0.4 Beta 1] Font size in editor also influences image options UI
- Issue #4109: Wrap in box menu z-index
#4152: Fix issue where font awesome icons in Pages CSS files were double-escaped
#4110: Fix exception in system logs when viewing ACP IP Address tools
#4104: Fix issue where File screenshots were included in topics even when configuration setting was disabled
#4101: Hide Album Cover options if an image is not part of an album
#4135: Generate badge files when there isn’t a cached badge
#4137: Better Friendly URL support when "Rewrite URLs" is Off
#4105: Fix issue where ModCP shows topic titles for which the user has no permission
Developer Notes
#3935 Load extension classes by checking JSON files
New method Application::getExtensionClass()
should be used instead of manually building a path to an extension. This method will return only valid extension paths, and will prevent errors that result in an attempt to load legacy classes.
#3727 Prevent discussion forums from being dragged to root level
New method Node\Controller::_canBeRoot()
to determine if the row can be dragged to the root level. This was previously hard-coded to ( $node instanceof $nodeClass )
#3578 Make open assignments more visible
New method MenuExtension::mobileNotificationCount()
to allow 3rd party applications to add to the counter that is displayed in the mobile menu. Previously this counter only showed the number of Active Reports.
New method ModCpAbstract::getCounters()
allows 3rd party applications to add counters to the top of the ModCP. Previously this was hard-coded to show only Active Reports and the Approval Queue count.
#3576 Fix TypeError when bypassing permission checks in getItemsWithPermission
Method signature change to Item::getItemsWithPermission()
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