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  1. Лайк
    wolfer получил реакцию от Wo2dy в Novus: converted to IP.Board   
    Yeah. I wouldn't change too much. Just correct some of the alignment issues. Can't wait to see this when it's finished. 
  2. Лайк
    wolfer получил реакцию от Respected в Novus: converted to IP.Board   
    I like this version. It looks like he's made some fixes to the original skin, which I noticed alignment errors previously. It's always nice to see improvements, Respected. Can't wait to download the final version.
  3. Лайк
    wolfer получил реакцию от Respected в [IPBForumskins] Spectrum 3.3.x   
    To remove the "ipbforumskins.com" link from the footer, edit "globalTemplate" and find: {parse replacement="skinlink"}, and remove the code. Save the changes and reload the skin. The footer "ipbforumskins" links should be gone.

    Для удаления "ipbforumskins.com" ссылку с нижней, редактировать "globalTemplate" и найти: {parse replacement="skinlink"}, и удалить код. Сохраните изменения и перезагрузите кожи. Колонтитул ссылку "ipbforumskins" должны исчезнуть.
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