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Сообщения, опубликованные afshin20

  1. ::-webkit-scrollbar {
        width: 10px;
        background: #2a6a81;
    ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
        background: #ebeff3;
        border-radius: 2px;

     اگر از مرورگر فایرفاکس استفاده میکنی این کد ساپورتش نمیکنه
    ولی برای سایر مرورگر ها مثل کروم، و غیره ساپورت میکنه 
    راه دیگه ایم نداره تلاش نکن
    webkit no support firefox

  2. Can you tell me what data I should write for these cases? I don't know exactly what to write? @Desti @Exception
    scrollScope, container, url, pageParam

      scrollScope: 'body',
      container: '#content',
      distance: 50,
      url: '{$subcategory->url()}',
      pageParam: 'page',
      loadingTpl: 'core.infScroll.loading',
      pageBreakTpl: 'core.infScroll.pageBreak',
      disableIn: 'phone,tablet,desktop'


  3.   {{if $pages > 1}}
            $(window).on('scroll', function() {
                if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() >= $(document).height()) {
            function loadMoreItems() {
                var currentPage = parseInt('{$page}' || '1');
                var nextPage = currentPage + 1;
                if (nextPage <= {$pages}) {
                    var url = '{$baseUrl->setPage($pageParam, "' + nextPage + '")}';
                         url: '/files?page=' + nextPage,
                        type: 'GET',
                        success: function(response) {
                            var items = $(response).find('.item');
                        error: function() {
                              // Error message if needed                    }

    @Exception @Desti This code was in the stackoverflow website, can you tell me how I can do this?

    Please, I need it.

  4. 12 hours ago, Desti said:

    That function (curl_multi_init) was not used in versions earlier than 4.7.9.

    This is the answer from my support section that sent me this message
    What should I do now?

    Сообщаем Вам, что в связи с тем, что набор функций cur_multi используется хакерами для проведения DDoS-атак, а также из-за крайней чувствительности дата-центров к упомянутым атакам, в связи с этим упомянутые функции в PHP неактивны. , мы просим вас установить соединение, использовать альтернативные функции curl или fsockopen.
    По этому поводу вы также можете проконсультироваться в отделе поддержки программы.

  5. This error is displayed in the support section of the website, how can I fix it? @Desti @Exception

    Error: Call to undefined function IPS\Http\Request\curl_multi_init() (0)
    #0 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/system/Http/Request/Curl.php(496): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->_executeMh()
    #1 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/system/Http/Request/Curl.php(302): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->_executeAndFollowRedirects('GET', NULL)
    #2 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(147): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->get()
    #3 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(67): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->_getFeaturedGuides()
    #4 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->manage()
    #5 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(48): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #6 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->execute()
    #7 /home/site4/domains/site.ir/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 {main}


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