- Error 3C130/1
Error 3C130/1
1-2, checked. its ok.. 3. what kind of installer? 4. ok 5. yes.
Error 3C130/1
Cannot understand, even with google translate
Error 3C130/1
Already did, that didn’t do anything
- Error 3C130/1
Error 3C130/1
What do you mean?
- Error 3C130/1
Error 3C130/1
Hey all I've just updated to 4.5.x from 4.4 and I started getting weird errors. Error 3C130/1 which is happening when I'm attempting to upload a theme. Picture attached: if anyone know the solution for this I will be grateful! I've seen another topic in here (webflake) where someone said it was resolved with changing certain folder's permissions but didn't say which. My datastore folder is set for 0777 right now, doesn't seem like this is the issue.. Thanks Shenps
EX1104 after upgrading to IPS 4.5.X from 4.4
Where is constants.php located? can't find it
EX1104 after upgrading to IPS 4.5.X from 4.4
I can’t access any page within the admincp... First thing I tried was to access the support page but same error comes up.
EX1104 after upgrading to IPS 4.5.X from 4.4
Hey everyone I've updated my forums recently and now I'm having issues with accessing the admin CP Some themes/plugins and apps are outdated as well and I can't access the AdminCP for upgrading/disabling them. I am receiving the error below: EX1104 SELECT *, core_sys_lang_words.word_custom as database_name, core_sys_lang_words2.word_custom as record_name FROM `cms_databases` LEFT JOIN `core_sys_lang_words` ON core_sys_lang_words.word_key=CONCAT( 'content_db_', cms_databases.database_id ) AND core_sys_lang_words.lang_id=1 LEFT JOIN `core_sys_lang_words` AS `core_sys_lang_words2` ON core_sys_lang_words2.word_key=CONCAT( 'content_db_lang_pu_', cms_databases.database_id ) AND core_sys_lang_words2.lang_id=1 ORDER BY core_sys_lang_words.word_custom IPS\Db\Exception: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay (1104) #0 /hermes/bosnacweb05/bosnacweb05ao/b1707/ipg.SITENAME/system/Db/Select.php(383): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*NAME_DB...', Array, true) #1 /hermes/bosnacweb05/bosnacweb05ao/b1707/ipg.SITENAME/system/Db/Select.php(441): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 /hermes/bosnacweb05/bosnacweb05ao/b1707/ipg.SITENAME/applications/cms/sources/Databases/Databases.php(288): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #3 /hermes/bosnacweb05/bosnacweb05ao/b1707/ipg.SITENAME/applications/cms/Application.php(218): IPS\cms\_Databases::acpMenu() #4 /hermes/bosnacweb05/bosnacweb05ao/b1707/ipg.SITENAME/system/Dispatcher/Admin.php(349): IPS\cms\_Application->acpMenu() #5 /hermes/bosnacweb05/bosnacweb05ao/b1707/ipg.SITENAME/system/Dispatcher/Admin.php(71): IPS\Dispatcher\_Admin->buildMenu() #6 /hermes/bosnacweb05/bosnacweb05ao/b1707/ipg.SITENAME/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(109): IPS\Dispatcher\_Admin->init() #7 /hermes/bosnacweb05/bosnacweb05ao/b1707/ipg.SITENAME/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher::i() #8 {main} Any ideas...? can't find anything online about it
Trader Feedback System 2.2.11
I know that but it is outdated, hence me asking for a newer version..
Trader Feedback System 2.2.11
Trader Feedback System 2.2.11
Still need this..
Trader Feedback System 2.2.11
Hey everyone, I'm looking for this app: https://invisioncomm...eedback-system/ Unfortunately, Can't use an older version because it's not supported by the newest ipb version:(. Any help will be greatly appreciated..
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