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  1. Yes, right I think, he/she asking for a sample code
  2. Orpheus posted пост в теме in Themes and design
    Yes, that is another way.
  3. I think you are looking for this
  4. Orpheus started following Steam Avatar Frames
  5. Orpheus posted пост в теме in Themes and design
    My title says "Avatar Frames" not "Avatars" A quick Google search should help you understand the difference.
  6.    murovets reacted to файл: Steam Avatar Frames
  7. Orpheus posted пост в теме in Themes and design
    Просмотр файла Steam Avatar Frames Extracted from the Steam store. Images are originally in APNG format, but converted versions are also included in GIF format. Enjoy Добавил Orpheus Добавлено 07/29/24 Категория Темы и дизайн Язык English / Английский  
    • 86 скачиваний
    • Версия 1.0
    Extracted from the Steam store. Images are originally in APNG format, but converted versions are also included in GIF format. Enjoy
  8. Can we not use animated PNGs? They need to be created or copied/downloaded. Edit: It needs a new plugin to be created or just use custom.css for specific groups.
  9. Просмотр файла Persian Language Pack Persian translation of IPS programs by IPSFarsi community. GitHub Link: https://github.com/IPSFarsi/IPS-Persian-Translation Добавил Orpheus Добавлено 07/10/24 Категория Локализация и переводы Язык Persian / Персидский  
    • 9 скачиваний
    • Версия 4.7.16
    Persian translation of IPS programs by IPSFarsi community. GitHub Link: https://github.com/IPSFarsi/IPS-Persian-Translation
  10. Просмотр файла CKEditor 4 Plugins by Invision Community This zip contains all custom plugins from IPS for CKEditor. The files inside are released under the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/1.1/) Добавил Orpheus Добавлено 07/10/24 Категория Интерфейс Язык English / Английский  
    • 80 скачиваний
    • Версия 1.0
    This zip contains all custom plugins from IPS for CKEditor. The files inside are released under the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/1.1/)
  11.    aLEX49566 reacted to файл: Enhanced Profile Blocks
  12. Updated to latest version 1.2.8 What's New Fixed issues with CSS and HTML.
  13. Orpheus posted пост в теме in Themes and design
    Use theme settings
  14. It could be cache but you can try inspecting the element and see the error.