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Everything posted by orbipwn

  1. by_ix, thanks for you help. You god!
  2. Finally got in core_theme_templates... Thanks, by_ix Any ideas how to clear cache for all core_theme_templates and updated column?
  3. by_ix Yes, I deleted absolutely everything, and the core_cache and ip address is visible again and I really don't know what to do anymore.
  4. I deleted the cache in redis and everything I can, but the ip address is still visible and I don't know what caused this problem.
  5. I already did this before I wrote the topic, but it has no effect and nothing changes... Other ideas?
  6. My version is 4.5.1 I want to remove that from my screenshot.
  7. I dont have that. support.php
  8. For several days i have been trying to find where the server IP address code is stored in the support field? I want to remove the ip address from system information in admin panel in Support section and how can this be done? IPB Version: 4.5.1 Thanks.
  9. redis is better for caching.
  10. He talk about : https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9539-dark-light-fluent-design-theme-edition/
  11. orbipwn posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    How can I disable certain registration names through a filter?
  12. Good, but i got an error. [[Template forums/front/topics/postContainer is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  13. Hi, how can i make that code to check in months and years (both) or month or year separately? Thanks. <div class="custom"> {{$date_joined = floor((strtotime("now")-strtotime("{$comment->author()->joined}"))/86400) ;}} <span class="leftinfo"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> $time of fappig:</span> <span class="rightinfo">{$date_joined} Days</span> </div>
  14. Hi, i have problem with images and i dont know what is reason;
  15. From where? I check permissions, but i dont see option to disable buy button for guests.
  16. Need to be chown not chmod... Like this chown - R www-data:www-data /path/to/files Also, it is very wrong to set chmod 777 to absolutely all files.
  17. How can i disable or remove BUY button for guests in Downloads? Thanks.
  18. orbipwn posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    The problem is that I want what is written to be automatic when logging in, and in this case they have to click on the button. Any ideas how to do it automatically as with WBB?
  19. orbipwn posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    But how can I add login text? For example, is this account disabled? I mean as a guest browses a forum in which he has no permissions. How do I add such text when logging in?
  20. orbipwn posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    How can I make an option to deactivate a profile if it violates the rules instead of just banning it? I mean the option to deactivate an account and when the user tries to log in it says that his account has been deactivated. Is there a similar modification for 4.4/4.5?
  21. How can i add new javascript code globally? I mean for all pages? This; <script> window.oncontextmenu = function () { console.log(""); return false; } </script>
  22. Add in your .htaccess <IfModule mod_security.c> SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST Off </IfModule>