Everything posted by Xontero
Your content will need to be approved by a moderator
Both are unrestricted My admin group permissions is full.
Your content will need to be approved by a moderator
Thanks to reply But this way did not solve the problem
Your content will need to be approved by a moderator
Hi. I'm admin and I have a full accesses and permissions but when I want to update a file I got this message " Your content will need to be approved by a moderator " What's the problem? my admin group setting: my file setting:
4.6.1 nulled version broblem
custom statistics
@Desti thanks to reply. my problem solved. this topic can be closed!
custom statistics
@Respected please help me
custom Breadcrumb style
custom statistics
what do you mean? can you help me?
custom statistics
hi I add this codes to show my custom statistics and every thing good works {{$stats = array();}} {{$stats['total_posts'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( "COUNT(*)", 'forums_posts', array( 'queued = ?', 0 ) )->first();}} {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->archive_on }} {{$stats['total_posts'] += \IPS\forums\Topic\ArchivedPost::db()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'forums_archive_posts', array( 'archive_queued = ?', 0 ) )->first();}} {{endif}} {{$stats['total_topics'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( "COUNT(*)", 'forums_topics', array( 'approved = ?', 1 ) )->first();}} {{$where = array( 'name<>? AND email<>?', '', '' );}} {{$stats['member_count'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'core_members', $where )->first();}} {{$count = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'core_sessions', array( 'login_type<>? and running_time > ?', \IPS\Session\Front::LOGIN_TYPE_SPIDER, \IPS\DateTime::create()->sub( new \DateInterval( 'PT30M' ) )->getTimeStamp() ) )->first();}} {{if $count > $mostOnline['count'] }} {{$mostOnline = array( 'count' => $count, 'time' => time() );}} {{\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_sys_conf_settings', array( 'conf_value' => json_encode( $mostOnline ) ), array( 'conf_key=?', 'most_online' ) );}} {{unset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->settings );}} {{endif}} {{$stats['most_online'] = $mostOnline;}} {{$exclude = array();}} {{$where = array( "name IS NOT NULL AND name != '' AND temp_ban != -1 AND email != ''" );}} {{foreach \IPS\Member\Group::groups() as $id => $group}} {{if $group->g_hide_online_list}} {{$exclude[] = $group->g_id;}} {{endif}} {{endforeach}} {{if count( $exclude )}} {{$where[] = '( ! ( ' . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'member_group_id', $exclude ) . ' ) )';}} {{endif}} {{$where[] = '( ! ' . \IPS\Db::i()->bitwiseWhere( \IPS\Member::$bitOptions['members_bitoptions'], 'bw_is_spammer' ) . ' )';}} {{$where[] = 'core_validating.new_reg IS NULL';}} {{$stats['last_registered'] = \IPS\Member::constructFromData( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'core_members.*, core_validating.new_reg', 'core_members', array( implode( ' AND ', $where ) ), 'core_members.member_id DESC', array( 0, 1 ) )->join( 'core_validating', "core_validating.member_id=core_members.member_id" )->first() );}} <h3 class = 'ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title ipsType_center' > <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="total_topics"} <span class = 'ips_static' > {number="$stats['total_topics']"} </span></span> <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="total_posts"} <span class = 'ips_static' > {number="$stats['total_posts']"} </span></span> <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="stats_total_members"} <span class = 'ips_static' > {number="$stats['member_count']"} </span></span> <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="stats_newest_member"} <span class = 'ips_static' > {$stats['last_registered']->link()|raw} </span></span> <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="stats_most_online"} <span class = 'ips_static' data-ipsTooltip title = '{datetime="$stats[' most_online '][' time ']" norelative="true"}' > {number="$stats['most_online']['count']"} </span></span> </h3> but I want to display totalfiles but after adding, it returns 0 result. <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="totalfiles"} <span class = 'ips_static' > {number="$stats['totalfiles']"} </span></span> I think $stats variable need please help me!
change menu display style
hi how can I change my default menu style display like blow theme? https://ipb.stylesfactory.pl/
- remove chatbox copyright
remove chatbox copyright
- Advanced Server List
- Advanced Server List
- Advanced Server List
add custom font to Admin (ACP)
hi in the previous versions (4.4) I could add my custom font how can I add my custom font to Admin in 4.5 version?
- Advanced Server List
sticky postbit
hi everybody how can I make a sticky postbit like this forum: https://cmsmafia.ru/topic/1591-kopipastrazmeshhenie-kontenta-na-ip-board/
display a costum block in profile
can anyone help me?
display a costum block in profile
hi everybody how can I put a block in profile to display Started and Expires date to users that Have been subscribed
- Advanced Server List
- Advanced Server List
Advanced Server List
my friend you should know that my language is not Russian
Advanced Server List
View File Advanced Server List Другие свойства: Задайте собственные поля для сервера: Имя, Собственное имя, IP, Собственный IP, URL статистики, URL ТВ, URL голосования, URL форума Выделите для сервера Специальный значок для нового сервера Скрытие владельцев серверов в кнопке Свиток, которым может управлять пользователь Цветовое наполнение игроков Задний привод Ленивая загрузка в иконках img Таблица в 2 столбца, которыми может управлять пользователь Требования 🏷️ PHP 7.2+ Bzip2 - используется для сжатых ответов A2S Совместимые серверы 💻 Counter-Strike 1.6 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Discord Minecraft Teamspeak 3 Submitter Xontero Submitted 03/08/21 Category Interface Language English
Advanced Server List
- 577 скачиваний
- Версия 2.2.0
Другие свойства: Задайте собственные поля для сервера: Имя, Собственное имя, IP, Собственный IP, URL статистики, URL ТВ, URL голосования, URL форума Выделите для сервера Специальный значок для нового сервера Скрытие владельцев серверов в кнопке Свиток, которым может управлять пользователь Цветовое наполнение игроков Задний привод Ленивая загрузка в иконках img Таблица в 2 столбца, которыми может управлять пользователь Требования 🏷️ PHP 7.2+ Bzip2 - используется для сжатых ответов A2S Совместимые серверы 💻 Counter-Strike 1.6 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Discord Minecraft Teamspeak 3Free