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Everything posted by Xontero

  1. Both are unrestricted My admin group permissions is full.
  2. Thanks to reply But this way did not solve the problem
  3. Hi. I'm admin and I have a full accesses and permissions but when I want to update a file I got this message " Your content will need to be approved by a moderator " What's the problem? my admin group setting: my file setting:
  4. hi @Respected in 4.6.1 version the Datastore folder is not exist can I manual create that?
  5. Xontero posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    @Desti thanks to reply. my problem solved. this topic can be closed!
  6. Xontero posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    @Respected please help me
  7. hi everybody How can I change default Breadcrumb style like this? Thanks in advance
  8. Xontero posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    what do you mean? can you help me?
  9. Xontero posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    hi I add this codes to show my custom statistics and every thing good works {{$stats = array();}} {{$stats['total_posts'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( "COUNT(*)", 'forums_posts', array( 'queued = ?', 0 ) )->first();}} {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->archive_on }} {{$stats['total_posts'] += \IPS\forums\Topic\ArchivedPost::db()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'forums_archive_posts', array( 'archive_queued = ?', 0 ) )->first();}} {{endif}} {{$stats['total_topics'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( "COUNT(*)", 'forums_topics', array( 'approved = ?', 1 ) )->first();}} {{$where = array( 'name<>? AND email<>?', '', '' );}} {{$stats['member_count'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'core_members', $where )->first();}} {{$count = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'core_sessions', array( 'login_type<>? and running_time > ?', \IPS\Session\Front::LOGIN_TYPE_SPIDER, \IPS\DateTime::create()->sub( new \DateInterval( 'PT30M' ) )->getTimeStamp() ) )->first();}} {{if $count > $mostOnline['count'] }} {{$mostOnline = array( 'count' => $count, 'time' => time() );}} {{\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_sys_conf_settings', array( 'conf_value' => json_encode( $mostOnline ) ), array( 'conf_key=?', 'most_online' ) );}} {{unset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->settings );}} {{endif}} {{$stats['most_online'] = $mostOnline;}} {{$exclude = array();}} {{$where = array( "name IS NOT NULL AND name != '' AND temp_ban != -1 AND email != ''" );}} {{foreach \IPS\Member\Group::groups() as $id => $group}} {{if $group->g_hide_online_list}} {{$exclude[] = $group->g_id;}} {{endif}} {{endforeach}} {{if count( $exclude )}} {{$where[] = '( ! ( ' . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'member_group_id', $exclude ) . ' ) )';}} {{endif}} {{$where[] = '( ! ' . \IPS\Db::i()->bitwiseWhere( \IPS\Member::$bitOptions['members_bitoptions'], 'bw_is_spammer' ) . ' )';}} {{$where[] = 'core_validating.new_reg IS NULL';}} {{$stats['last_registered'] = \IPS\Member::constructFromData( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'core_members.*, core_validating.new_reg', 'core_members', array( implode( ' AND ', $where ) ), 'core_members.member_id DESC', array( 0, 1 ) )->join( 'core_validating', "core_validating.member_id=core_members.member_id" )->first() );}} <h3 class = 'ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title ipsType_center' > <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="total_topics"} <span class = 'ips_static' > {number="$stats['total_topics']"} </span></span> <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="total_posts"} <span class = 'ips_static' > {number="$stats['total_posts']"} </span></span> <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="stats_total_members"} <span class = 'ips_static' > {number="$stats['member_count']"} </span></span> <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="stats_newest_member"} <span class = 'ips_static' > {$stats['last_registered']->link()|raw} </span></span> <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="stats_most_online"} <span class = 'ips_static' data-ipsTooltip title = '{datetime="$stats[' most_online '][' time ']" norelative="true"}' > {number="$stats['most_online']['count']"} </span></span> </h3> but I want to display totalfiles but after adding, it returns 0 result. <span class = 'ips_stat' > {lang="totalfiles"} <span class = 'ips_static' > {number="$stats['totalfiles']"} </span></span> I think $stats variable need please help me!
  10. hi how can I change my default menu style display like blow theme? https://ipb.stylesfactory.pl/
  11. hi guys how can I remove or change (BIM) chatbox free copyright?
  12. Xontero posted пост в теме in Interface
    updated to new version
  13. Xontero posted пост в теме in Interface
    updated to new version
  14. Xontero posted пост в теме in Interface
    updated to new version
  15. hi in the previous versions (4.4) I could add my custom font how can I add my custom font to Admin in 4.5 version?
  16. Xontero posted пост в теме in Interface
    updated to 1.0.1v
  17. Xontero posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    hi everybody how can I make a sticky postbit like this forum: https://cmsmafia.ru/topic/1591-kopipastrazmeshhenie-kontenta-na-ip-board/
  18. can anyone help me?
  19. hi everybody how can I put a block in profile to display Started and Expires date to users that Have been subscribed
  20. Xontero posted пост в теме in Interface
    updated to new version
  21. Xontero posted пост в теме in Interface
  22. Xontero posted пост в теме in Interface
    my friend you should know that my language is not Russian
  23. Xontero posted пост в теме in Interface
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    Другие свойства: Задайте собственные поля для сервера: Имя, Собственное имя, IP, Собственный IP, URL статистики, URL ТВ, URL голосования, URL форума Выделите для сервера Специальный значок для нового сервера Скрытие владельцев серверов в кнопке Свиток, которым может управлять пользователь Цветовое наполнение игроков Задний привод Ленивая загрузка в иконках img Таблица в 2 столбца, которыми может управлять пользователь Требования 🏷️ PHP 7.2+ Bzip2 - используется для сжатых ответов A2S Совместимые серверы 💻 Counter-Strike 1.6 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Discord Minecraft Teamspeak 3