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Everything posted by Xontero

  1. Xontero posted пост в теме in Interface
    you're right. it's my wrong
  2. Xontero posted пост в теме in Interface
    Recent topic is a plugin and you should first extract the file then upload .xml file
  3. @or1k for default TopicFeed widget add this in custom.css: #ipsLayout_mainArea [data-blockid*="app_forums_topicFeed"] .ipsWidget_inner { max-height: 375px; overflow: auto; scrollbar-width: thin; } after that you should edit widget and set Number to show to 25 or each number you want for recent topic plugin add this in custom.css: #ipsLayout_mainArea [data-blockid*="plugin_1_recentTopics"] .ipsWidget_inner { max-height: 375px; overflow: auto; scrollbar-width: thin; } after that you should edit widget and set Number to show to 25 or each number you want
  4. I need this. Someone have this? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8870-dp44-bot-group/
  5. can you try this? div#cbCopyright { display: none !important; }
  6. qwqws can you give a tutorial for create this scroll botton?
  7. Free-kassa Payment Gateway 1.0.2.tar Free-kassa Payment Gateway 1.0.2.tar
  8. Extract .tar file and open file that included this copyright then remove that.
  9. I have 1.8.0. I hope that works on 4.6 portal 1.8.0.tar portal 1.8.0.tar
  10. can someone this: https://invisionbyte.ru/files/file/211-donaty-za-posty/
  11. I have the same problem. I set the recommended settings but after one month my rank dropped from 700hk to 1,200,000. what is reason?
  12. Thanks bro I'll try it and inform you.
  13. Bro I did it before and my forum down.
  14. hi guys can someone help me to convert MyISAM to InnoDB? I want a fast and secure way
  15. hi guys you know when we register with social media, the password field in database is empty. can someone help me to write a logical If for that? for example I want to show a message for those users that have registered with social media.
  16. Xontero posted пост в теме in Themes and design
    got it... nexxe @M4FIA_RaGE update nexxe
  17. hi guys Who has the latest version of this app? https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/459111-cj-cj-duplicate-member-logger-support-topic/page/2/ I have 2.0.1 but after installation users can't register on forum and they got an error. cjdml - 2.0.1.tar cjdml - 2.0.1.tar
  18. Can someone help me?
  19. hi how can I display unread contents count for each user?
  20. no but you can use a condition <i class="{{if $comment->author()->pp_reputation_points >= 0}}fa fa-plus{{else}}fa fa-minus{{endif}}"></i> <i class="{{if $comment->author()->pp_reputation_points > 1}}fa fa-plus{{elseif $comment->author()->pp_reputation_points < 0}}fa fa-minus{{endif}}"></i>
  21. Bumpppppppp
  22. Xontero posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    hi how can I solve this console error? thanks
  23. use this method body[data-pageapp="forums"][data-pagemodule="forums"][data-pagecontroller="topic"] .ipsPageHeader { styles... }
  24. Hi guys. Can someone explain how to add a toggle to switch dark-light mode on default theme?