Everything posted by Xontero
- Recent Topics 1.1.3
- Recent Topics 1.1.3
Скролл последние темы
@or1k for default TopicFeed widget add this in custom.css: #ipsLayout_mainArea [data-blockid*="app_forums_topicFeed"] .ipsWidget_inner { max-height: 375px; overflow: auto; scrollbar-width: thin; } after that you should edit widget and set Number to show to 25 or each number you want for recent topic plugin add this in custom.css: #ipsLayout_mainArea [data-blockid*="plugin_1_recentTopics"] .ipsWidget_inner { max-height: 375px; overflow: auto; scrollbar-width: thin; } after that you should edit widget and set Number to show to 25 or each number you want
Файлы из архива IPS (поможем скачать)
I need this. Someone have this? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8870-dp44-bot-group/
Помогите пж убрать в чатбоксе
can you try this? div#cbCopyright { display: none !important; }
Scroll to top перекрывает chatbox
qwqws can you give a tutorial for create this scroll botton?
freekassa.ru покупка плагина для платежей в IPB
Free-kassa Payment Gateway 1.0.2.tar Free-kassa Payment Gateway 1.0.2.tar
Помогите пж убрать в чатбоксе
Extract .tar file and open file that included this copyright then remove that.
Файлы из архива IPS (поможем скачать)
I have 1.8.0. I hope that works on 4.6 portal 1.8.0.tar portal 1.8.0.tar
Файлы из архива IPS (поможем скачать)
can someone this: https://invisionbyte.ru/files/file/211-donaty-za-posty/
Настройки robots.txt
I have the same problem. I set the recommended settings but after one month my rank dropped from 700hk to 1,200,000. what is reason?
convert MyISAM to InnoDB
Thanks bro I'll try it and inform you.
convert MyISAM to InnoDB
Bro I did it before and my forum down.
convert MyISAM to InnoDB
hi guys can someone help me to convert MyISAM to InnoDB? I want a fast and secure way
password field is null in database
hi guys you know when we register with social media, the password field in database is empty. can someone help me to write a logical If for that? for example I want to show a message for those users that have registered with social media.
Nexxe Theme (Dark/Light)
got it... nexxe @M4FIA_RaGE update nexxe
Duplicate Member Logger 2.0.2
hi guys Who has the latest version of this app? https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/459111-cj-cj-duplicate-member-logger-support-topic/page/2/ I have 2.0.1 but after installation users can't register on forum and they got an error. cjdml - 2.0.1.tar cjdml - 2.0.1.tar
unread content count
Can someone help me?
unread content count
hi how can I display unread contents count for each user?
Полоска репутации
no but you can use a condition <i class="{{if $comment->author()->pp_reputation_points >= 0}}fa fa-plus{{else}}fa fa-minus{{endif}}"></i> <i class="{{if $comment->author()->pp_reputation_points > 1}}fa fa-plus{{elseif $comment->author()->pp_reputation_points < 0}}fa fa-minus{{endif}}"></i>
dark and light mode
console error
Блоки на конкретных страницах
use this method body[data-pageapp="forums"][data-pagemodule="forums"][data-pagecontroller="topic"] .ipsPageHeader { styles... }
dark and light mode
Hi guys. Can someone explain how to add a toggle to switch dark-light mode on default theme?
Как увеличить размер загружаемого файла
in your host?