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Весь контент avangcom

  1. I could not find this item, have you tested this item??? Актуально интересно?! https://ipbmafia.ru/topic/11893-zapret-nikov-iz-tsifr/?do=findComment&comment=90599 Для проверки никнейма используется символьный класс, так что "правильные" выражения подобрать там не возможно, только правкой сорсов. В \admin\sources\classes\member\memberFunctions.php найти if( ipsRegistry::$settings['username_characters'] ) { выше добавить if( preg_match( '/^\d+$/', html_entity_decode( $name ) ) ) { return array( 'name' => $original, 'errors' => array( 'Запрещены логины состоящие только из одних цифр.' ) ); }
  2. The problem is that if we disable the number 0-9, the user cannot use the number in the username at all. I want to not be able to use only the number.
  3. Hello How can I set the user not to use only numbers for the username???
  4. @aLEX49566 I used this code, it works correctly, but it turns out like this I want it to be like this I wrote the code like this, it worked, there is no problem??? <div class="no-click">Give<img src="https://ipbmafia.ru/uploads/reactions/react_thanks.png" width="25" height="25"> to this post to see the hidden content. </div>
  5. Hello I want to add a photo in the language section of the translation section for a text, but I don't want the photo to be clickable Normally, when I place the photo, by clicking on the photo, the photo will be enlarged. I want to get this feature from only this photo, not all photos. I used the following code <img src="https://ipbmafia.ru/uploads/reactions/react_thanks.png" width="25" height="25">
  6. @by_ixHello I tested version 4.7.16 and it doesn't work, please update In the plugins section, I edited the plugin and the member user group was selected, but after selecting the reaction, he can delete it
  7. @aLEX49566Я установил, но выбранная мной группа пользователей может удалить реакцию
  8. Is it possible to do something so that the user cannot delete the reaction after selecting it???
  9. Hello Is there a way for the user to use only 5 reactions per day???
  10. (BIM) Hide Link And Code 3.3.8 (BIM) Hide Link And Code 3.3.8.xml
  11. I tested this version on version 4.7.16 The version that aLEX49566 has is for version 4.6. I tested it on version 4.7 and the screen turns white.
  12. (BIM) Hide Link And Code_3.3.7 tested : 4.7.16 (BIM) Hide Link And Code_3.3.7.xml
  13. avangcom


    Version 2.8.8 issued
  14. avangcom


    @SlawkA please send new version
  15. Привет Подскажите пожалуйста, как реализовать этот метод?? У меня версия 4.7.16
  16. Hello How can I force the reaction to download from the attachment? I mean the attached files in the thread, not the download section
  17. Thanx , It worked great It is better to add this code to the plugin .cyberdevil_spoiler:not(.cke_widget_element) > .ipsSpoiler_contents { display: none; } .cyberdevil_spoiler:not(.cke_widget_element) > .ipsSpoiler_header:not(.ipsSpoiler_open) { margin-bottom: calc(var(--sp-4) * -1); }
  18. @Exception I tested this, when the topic opens, the spoiler opens
  19. @Exception After adding this code to custom.css, we can write a text for the spoiler, we can only give a title
  20. Yes you are right I did not notice the space between when copying. And there is ipsSpoiler_contents Now, for a moment, the image wants to open, is there a way to solve that issue as well???
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