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Весь контент avangcom

  1. Hello friends I disabled the sub-forums with the following command, but the sub-categories were not removed from the template ul.ipsDataItem_subList li { display: none !important; } It is like the picture below: I want it to be like the image below, with the subject text below
  2. No that's not possible. It's only possible if you've taken a backup before the upgrade (you should always take a backup before an upgrade).
  3. Да, проблема с логотипом решена, но проблема с написанием справа налево не решена
  4. Thanks to you, it has changed, but it is as follows change in this way
  5. This line does not exist in postContainer. I checked the default format : <aside class='ipsComment_author cAuthorPane ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium ipsResponsive_hidePhone'>
  6. hi In Persian, header is like this But I want the header to be like this in Farsi language And how can you put a logo photo instead of Invision Community?
  7. Hello I have a template with PHP and I want to enter PAGES, but the template does not run please guide me
  8. Exception It worked great, thank you only one question : I want to place the photo in the middle of the page where I have marked and I want the photo to be hidden when the scroll comes to the bottom of the template so that the user can change the language and site format. Thank you for your guidance
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