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Everything posted by turk

  1. @by_ix Этот код показывает неправильную дату для меня. В чем проблема? https://ibb.co/Wp2P0Sh
  2. Привет Я хочу использовать следующий код для отображения даты истечения срока подписки пользователей, но код работает неправильно. <span class='cProfileSubscription_text'> <i class="fa fa-certificate"></i>&nbsp;{lang="nexus_subs_subscriber" sprintf="$subscription->package->_title"} {{if $member->member_id == \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} <br/> {$subscription->currentBlurb()} {{endif}} </span> Результат: https://imgur.com/a/u8jERa8 в чем проблема?
  3. Этот плагин не работает с последней версией PHP.aLEX49566
  4. Да, точно
  5. Привет Как я могу добавить кнопку предупредить пользователя в postbit? Я нашел следующий учебник, но он не работает
  6. I request your forum link not www. ipb-board.ru
  7. no I haven't hidden topic or post
  8. avangcom put here your forum link and i will solve it
  9. @by_ix thanks. everything good work. but this code doesn't show real status. below image is one of my forums that shows 42 posts and 17 topics but your code shows 38 posts and 16 topics.
  10. can you speak a little Persian?
  11. please add your forum link to better help
  12. hi add to custom.css html[dir="rtl"] .focus-header-align, html[dir="rtl"] .focus-secondary-header { direction: ltr !important; } in theme setting like default theme
  13. turk posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
  14. yes but this forum don't give you ready code.
  15. turk posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    Hi. I want to show a message for users that have registered with google. Can some one help me? Thanks
  16. turk posted пост в теме in Invision Community 4 Support
    hi everybody how can I change buttons color? I use below css but just background color applied and color don't work:
  17. by_ix thanks! how can I add user follow button in comment controller section? if user is not followed "fa-user-plus" anf if user in followed "fa-user-times" with regards!
  18. hi everybody how can I show the number of all topics and all posts for each forum? for example I want to show number of all topics and all posts for ipbmafia.ru forum In front of the title