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  1. The PSD file to edit the blur effect backgrounds not this
  2. Hello, Have you the PSD for this style please?
  3. Working perfectly! Thanks.
  4.    Wo2dy reacted to тема: Download Images для IPS4
  5.    Lordbl4 reacted to тема: Birthdays Widget
  6. Yes, I would like that the navigation is exactly as on your skin, I don't know how display the navigation on the main page of my forum and I don't know how you did, can you give me the full code?
  7. Hi Respected, I have currently a problem, I would like to know if you can give me the code of your main skin for the secondary navigation because I can't make it appear on the main page. Please, I really need your help, I have exactly like you. Thank you.
  8. I'm here for the community and opinion, I'm not here for the content.
  9. No, I'm currently on IPBForumSkins.com and I asked for help to Ehren for create this skin, if you want to know the base of the skin it's the default skin of IP.Board. All created skins are based on the default skin. Now if you look well at the two images I posted above, you will see a huge change between IPSWarrior skin, and my skin. Many things have been improved. Yet once again, look at the fucking pictures!
  10. Yes, but I do not know the exact place where I need to edit the skin.
  11. You can find an example here: xenfocus.com/development/index.php I would like to also know how can I put the effect of the old ForumCore skin please? I would like to put this transition effect.
  12. This does not work unfortunately.
  13. I do not think, there is a lot of thing to installed in the globalTemplate such as Gridlock. I bought Gridlock to make customizations on it.
  14. You therefore have not tried the skin for IP.Board 3.3.4? I do not like people like you who speaks without knowing, tried the Novus skin which is currently on this forum and you will come to see again me. Novus by me: Novus by IPSWarrior: I think I have do a better design, the skin is compatible with IP.Board 3.4.3 and all following versions of IP.Board.
  15. Hello, I have already added padding but it does not work, I think wrong place the code, how can I do? Where to put the code?
  16. Hello, I currently work on the Novus skin which is currently on XenForo. I have a problem with the reproduction of this: I currently have this on IP.Board: I tried to add a margin, but impossible.