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При переносе форума перестал работать 

И кривой шаблон и обновить не могу форум помогите 

forum.western-states.ru Driver Error
There appears to be an error with the database.

If you are seeing this page, it means there was a problem communicating with our database. Sometimes this error is temporary and will go away when you refresh the page. Sometimes the error will need to be fixed by an administrator before the site will become accessible again. 

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так вы в config.php прописали новые данные? 

Да прописал когда я захожу обновить

вот что пишет

mySQL query error: UPDATE members SET failed_logins='1424154219-',failed_login_count=1 WHERE email='[email protected]'

SQL error: UPDATE command denied to user 'host1307902_1'@'localhost' for table 'members'
SQL error code: 1142
Date: Tuesday 17th February 2015 06:23:39 AM

 Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 06:23:39 +0000
 Error: 1142 - UPDATE command denied to user 'host1307902_1'@'localhost' for table 'members'
 IP Address: - /admin/upgrade/index.php?app=upgrade&s=§ion=index&do=login
 mySQL query error: UPDATE members SET failed_logins='1424154219-',failed_login_count=1 WHERE email='[email protected]'
 | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
 | admin/sources/base/ipsMember.php                                           | [db_main_mysql].update                                                        | 999               |
 | admin/sources/loginauth/login_core.php                                     | [IPSMember].save                                                              | 411               |
 | admin/sources/loginauth/login_core.php                                     | [login_core]._appendFailedLogin                                               | 226               |
 | admin/sources/loginauth/internal/auth.php                                  | [login_core].authLocal                                                        | 70                |
 | admin/sources/handlers/han_login.php                                       | [login_internal].authenticate                                                 | 732               |
 | admin/setup/sources/legacy/3xx.php                                         | [han_login].loginAuthenticate                                                 | 171               |
 | admin/setup/applications/upgrade/sections/index.php                        | [upgradeLegacy].authenticateLogIn                                             | 45                |
 | admin/setup/sources/base/ipsController_setup.php                           | [upgrade_index].doExecute                                                     | 258               |

Edited by WOLF


Error: 1142 - UPDATE command denied to user 'host1307902_1'@'localhost' for table 'members'

Пользователю "host1307902_1" запрещено применять к таблице "members" команду "UPDATE".

Исправьте права пользователя MySQL (разрешите ему полный доступ к таблицам в БД) или обратитесь в ТП хостинга.

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