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в виджете сместить дату начала отображения.


		$_today	= new \IPS\calendar\Date( "now", \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->timezone ? new \DateTimeZone( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->timezone ) : NULL );

		/* Do we have a days ahead cutoff? */
		$endDate	= NULL;

		if( isset( $this->configuration['days_ahead'] ) AND  $this->configuration['days_ahead'] > 0 )
			$endDate	= $_today->adjust( "+" . $this->configuration['days_ahead'] . " days" );

Заменить на 

		$_today	= new \IPS\calendar\Date( "now", \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->timezone ? new \DateTimeZone( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->timezone ) : NULL );
		$_tmptoday = $_today;
		$_today = $_today->adjust( "-7 days" );

		/* Do we have a days ahead cutoff? */
		$endDate	= NULL;

		if( isset( $this->configuration['days_ahead'] ) AND  $this->configuration['days_ahead'] > 0 )
			$endDate	= $_tmptoday->adjust( "+" . $this->configuration['days_ahead'] . " days" );

Отредактировать и поставить свое число дней "назад". Снести старый виждет с экрана и поставить заново, иначе не отобразится.

это в /appl/calendar/widgets/upcomingEvents.php

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