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Hi, I am using the landing page plugin as main home page, and I want to redirect users to forums instead of the index page (if they are logged in).

I tried to add this code in globaltemplate before header:

{{$member = \IPS\Member::loggedIn();}}
{{if app == 'landingpage'}}
{{header("Location: http://localhost/test.com/forums/");}}

But nothing happened, pls any suggestions?

34 минуты назад, odin777 сказал:

You cannot specify a header in the template, it will already be sent before this line is executed

You can easily google the redirect on JS

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Thank you man, I tried

Not working
{{$member = \IPS\Member::loggedIn();}}
{{if app == 'landingpage'}}
jQuery(location).attr('href', 'http://localhost/test.com/forums/');

Not working
{{$member = \IPS\Member::loggedIn();}}
{{if app == 'landingpage'}}
function myFunction() {

Not working



	 * @brief Force a URL to send to post-login
	 * @note Useful when you need to redirect the user to another URL that is not local to this installation
	public static $forcedRedirectUrl = NULL;

	 * Fetch the URL to redirect to
	 * @return	\IPS\Http\Url
	public static function getDestination()
		/* Try and get a referrer... */
			/* Are we forcing the user to be sent to a specific URL? */
			if( static::$forcedRedirectUrl !== NULL )
				return static::$forcedRedirectUrl;

If you're dev you should know what to do

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{{$member = \IPS\Member::loggedIn();}}
{{if request.app == 'forums' and request.module == 'forums'}}

The code above working for (forums), but how to do it for landingpage plugin?

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