Posted 9 августа, 20213 yr Здравствуй, Я получаю эту ошибку при доступе к профилю пользователя, который выиграл несколько розыгрышей: OutOfRangeException: (0) #0 IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(4) #1 IPS\raffles\extensions\core\StreamItems\_Raffles->extraItems(Object(IPS\Member), 1621474369, NULL) #2 IPS\Content\Search\_Results->addExtraItems(Array, Object(IPS\Member)) #3 IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->manage() #4 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #5 IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->execute() #6 IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #7 {main} Это приложение немного устарело, но в большинстве случаев оно работает нормально. Я читал документацию и обнаружил, что: OutOfRangeException is given if a record with the given ID is not found or if the user does not have permission to view the record. OutOfRangeException выдается, если запись с данным идентификатором не найдена или если у пользователя нет разрешения на просмотр записи. Я не вижу ничего плохого в параметрах. Вот файл: Spoiler <?php /** * @brief Activity stream items extension: Raffles * @author <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a> * @copyright (c) Invision Power Services, Inc. * @license * @package Invision Community * @subpackage Raffles * @since 23 Jun 2017 */ namespace IPS\raffles\extensions\core\StreamItems; /* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */ if ( !\defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) ) { header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' ); exit; } /** * @brief Activity stream items extension: Raffles */ class _Raffles { /** * Is there content to display? * * @param \IPS\Member|NULL $author The author to limit extra items to * @param Timestamp|NULL $lastTime If provided, only items since this date are included. If NULL, it works out which to include based on what results are being shown * @param Timestamp|NULL $firstTime If provided, only items before this date are included. If NULL, it works out which to include based on what results are being shown * @return array Array of \IPS\Content\Search\Result\Custom objects */ public function extraItems( $author=NULL, $lastTime=NULL, $firstTime=NULL ) { $entries = array(); $where = array( array( 'rw_date>?', $lastTime ) ); if ( $firstTime ) { $where[] = array( 'rw_date<?', $firstTime ); } if ( $author ) { $where[] = array( 'raffles_winners.rw_member_id=?', $author->member_id ); } foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_winners', $where, 'rw_date DESC', 10 ) as $row ) { $raffle = \IPS\raffles\Raffle::load( $row[ 'rw_raffle_id' ] ); $position = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'rafffle_winner_' . $row['rw_prize_position'] ); switch( $raffle->type ) { case 'raffle': $type = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'new_raffle' ); break; case 'giveaway': $type = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'new_giveaway' ); break; } $member = \IPS\Member::load( $row['rw_member_id'] ); $entries[] = new \IPS\Content\Search\Result\Custom( \IPS\DateTime::ts( $row['rw_date'] ), \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'activity_raffle_completed', FALSE, array( 'htmlsprintf' => array( \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'core', 'front' )->userLink( $member ), $position, $type, $raffle->url(), $raffle->title ) ) ) ); } /* Return */ if ( !empty( $entries ) ) { return $entries; } return array(); } } Вот база данных: В этом случае это происходит с memberid 1. Розыгрыши, которые отображаются в базе данных, уже удалены. Кто-нибудь знает, что вызывает это? Спасибо! Edited 9 августа, 20213 yr by BlackShot
9 августа, 20213 yr 6 минут назад, BlackShot сказал: Вот база данных: Ты смотришь на таблицу raffles_winners, а нужно открыть raffles_raffles (может быть иначе), где хранятся сами raffles. Там окажется, что записи с id4 не будет.
9 августа, 20213 yr Author 17 minutes ago, Respected said: Ты смотришь на таблицу raffles_winners, а нужно открыть raffles_raffles (может быть иначе), где хранятся сами raffles. Там окажется, что записи с id4 не будет. Думаю, вы разобрались! А название стола - в точности raffles_raffles. Не могли бы вы рассказать мне, как добавить этот фрагмент кода? Вот данные raffles_raffles:
9 августа, 20213 yr Не надо ничего добавлять.. $raffle = \IPS\raffles\Raffle::load( $row[ 'rw_raffle_id' ] ); - ошибка, если значение не найдено в таблице, поэтому самый простой способ - удалить записи с неверными ID. Увидели ошибку, выполнили SQL DELETE FROM raffles_winners where rw_raffle_id=4; номер взять из сообщения об ошибке (...IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(4)) Edited 9 августа, 20213 yr by Desti
9 августа, 20213 yr Author 4 minutes ago, Desti said: Не надо ничего добавлять.. $raffle = \IPS\raffles\Raffle::load( $row[ 'rw_raffle_id' ] ); - ошибка, если значение не найдено в таблице, поэтому самый простой способ - удалить записи с неверными ID. Увидели ошибку, выполнили SQL DELETE FROM raffles_winners where rw_raffle_id=4; номер взять из сообщения об ошибке (...IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(4)) Думаю, автор забыл добавить команду удаления победителей при удалении розыгрыша/raffle. Удаление вручную работает, но мне нужно добавить фрагмент кода, чтобы либо удалить записи raffles_winners, либо игнорировать недопустимые строки. Правильно? Spoiler <?php namespace IPS\raffles; /* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */ if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) ) { header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' ); exit; } class _Raffle extends \IPS\Content\Item implements \IPS\Content\Permissions, \IPS\Content\Tags, \IPS\Content\Followable, \IPS\Content\ReadMarkers, \IPS\Content\Views, \IPS\Content\Hideable, \IPS\Content\Featurable, \IPS\Content\Pinnable, \IPS\Content\Lockable, \IPS\Content\Shareable, \IPS\Content\Ratings, \IPS\Content\Searchable, \IPS\Content\Embeddable, \IPS\Content\FuturePublishing, \IPS\Content\MetaData { use \IPS\Content\Reactable, \IPS\Content\Reportable, \IPS\Content\ItemTopic; public static $application = 'raffles'; public static $module = 'raffles'; public static $databaseTable = 'raffles_raffles'; public static $databasePrefix = 'raffle_'; protected static $multitons; public static $containerNodeClass = 'IPS\raffles\Category'; public static $commentClass = 'IPS\raffles\Raffle\Comment'; public static $reviewClass = 'IPS\raffles\Raffle\Review'; public static $coverPhotoDefault = true; public static $databaseColumnMap = array( 'container' => 'cat', 'author' => 'mid', 'views' => 'views', 'title' => 'title', 'content' => 'description', 'num_comments' => 'comments', 'unapproved_comments' => 'unapproved_comments', 'hidden_comments' => 'hidden_comments', 'last_comment' => 'last_comment', 'num_reviews' => 'reviews', 'unapproved_reviews' => 'unapproved_reviews', 'hidden_reviews' => 'hidden_reviews', 'last_review' => 'last_review', 'date' => 'submitted', 'updated' => 'updated', 'rating' => 'rating', 'approved' => 'open', 'approved_date' => 'approvedon', 'pinned' => 'pinned', 'featured' => 'featured', 'locked' => 'locked', 'ip_address' => 'ipaddress', 'is_future_entry' => 'is_future_entry', 'future_date' => 'publish_date', 'status' => 'status', 'meta_data' => 'meta_data', ); public static $title = 'raffles_raffle'; public static $icon = 'ticket'; public $tableHoverUrl = TRUE; public static $formLangPrefix = 'raffle_'; public static $reputationType = 'raffle_id'; public static $hideLogKey = 'raffles-raffle'; public static $ownerTypes = array( 'member' => 'raffle_mid' ); public static function basicDataColumns() { $return = parent::basicDataColumns(); $return[] = 'raffle_image'; $return[] = 'raffle_thumb'; $return[] = 'raffle_type'; $return[] = 'raffle_tickets'; $return[] = 'raffle_participants'; $return[] = 'raffle_datelimit'; return $return; } public function set_title( $title ) { $this->_data['title'] = $title; $this->_data['title_seo'] = \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly::seoTitle( $title ); } public function get_title_seo() { if( !$this->_data['title_seo'] ) { $this->title_seo = \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly::seoTitle( $this->title ); $this->save(); } return $this->_data['title_seo'] ?: \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly::seoTitle( $this->title ); } protected $_url = array(); public static $urlBase = 'app=raffles&module=raffles&controller=view&id='; public static $urlTemplate = 'raffles_raffle'; public static $seoTitleColumn = 'title_seo'; public function lastCommentPageUrl() { return parent::lastCommentPageUrl()->setQueryString( 'tab', 'comments' ); } public static function getCommentsPerPage() { return \IPS\Settings::i()->raffles_display_comments; } public function lastReviewPageUrl() { return parent::lastCommentPageUrl()->setQueryString( 'tab', 'reviews' ); } public static function contentTableTemplate() { return array( \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'browse', 'raffles' ), 'rows' ); } public static function manageFollowRows() { return array( \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'raffles', 'front' ), 'manageFollowRow' ); } public function customFields( $topic = FALSE ) { $return = array(); $fields = $this->container()->cfields; if( $topic === TRUE ) { $fieldData = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'cf_id, cf_format', 'raffles_cfields', array( 'cf_topic=?', 1 ) )->setKeyField( 'cf_id' )->setValueField( 'cf_format' ) ); } try { $data = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_ccontent', array( 'raffle_id=?', $this->id ) )->first(); foreach ( $data as $k => $v ) { if( $topic === TRUE and !isset( $fieldData[ str_replace( 'field_', '', $k ) ] ) ) { continue; } if ( array_key_exists( str_replace( 'field_', '', $k ), $fields ) ) { if( $topic === TRUE ) { if( isset( $fieldData[ str_replace( 'field_', '', $k ) ] ) ) { $v = str_replace( '{content}', htmlspecialchars( $v, \IPS\HTMLENTITIES, 'UTF-8', FALSE ), $fieldData[ str_replace( 'field_', '', $k ) ] ); $v = str_replace( '{member_id}', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $v ); $v = str_replace( '{title}', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'raffles_field_' . str_replace( 'field_', '', $k ) ), $v ); } else { $v = htmlspecialchars( $v, \IPS\HTMLENTITIES, 'UTF-8', FALSE ); } } $return[ $k ] = $v; } } } catch( \UnderflowException $e ){} return $return; } public function rafflesViewTabs() { $tabs = array(); if ( $this->container()->allowcomments ) { $tabs['comments'] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->pluralize( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( 'raffle_comment_count' ), array( $this->mapped('num_comments') ) ); } if ( $this->container()->allowreviews ) { $tabs['reviews'] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->pluralize( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( 'raffle_review_count' ), array( $this->mapped('num_reviews') ) ); } return $tabs; } public function rafflesTabs( $tab ) { if ( $tab === 'reviews' ) { return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate('view')->reviews( $this ); } elseif( $tab === 'comments' ) { return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate('view')->comments( $this ); } return ''; } public static function moderateNewItems( \IPS\Member $member, \IPS\Node\Model $container = NULL, $considerPostBeforeRegistering = false ) { if ( $container and $container->newmoderated and !$member->group['g_avoid_q'] ) { return TRUE; } return parent::moderateNewItems( $member, $container ); } public function moderateNewComments( \IPS\Member $member, $considerPostBeforeRegistering = false ) { $commentClass = static::$commentClass; return ( $this->container()->comments_moderated and !$member->group['g_avoid_q'] ) or parent::moderateNewComments( $member ); } public function moderateNewReviews( \IPS\Member $member, $considerPostBeforeRegistering = false ) { return ( $this->container()->reviews_moderated and !$member->group['g_avoid_q'] ) or parent::moderateNewReviews( $member ); } public function canView( $member=NULL ) { $member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(); $return = parent::canView( $member ); if ( $this->status == 'draft' AND !static::canViewHiddenItems( $member, $this->container() ) AND $member->member_id != $this->author()->member_id ) { $return = FALSE; } if ( $this->status == 'draft' AND $this->is_future_entry == 1 AND $member->member_id == $this->author()->member_id ) { $return = TRUE; } return $return; } public function canEdit( $member=NULL ) { $member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(); if ( !$member->member_id ) { return FALSE; } return ( $member->member_id == $this->author()->member_id ) or parent::canEdit( $member ); } public static function getItemsWithPermission( $where=array(), $order=NULL, $limit=10, $permissionKey='read', $includeHiddenItems=\IPS\Content\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags=0, \IPS\Member $member=NULL, $joinContainer=FALSE, $joinComments=FALSE, $joinReviews=FALSE, $countOnly=FALSE, $joins=NULL, $skipPermission=FALSE, $joinTags=TRUE, $joinAuthor=TRUE, $joinLastCommenter=TRUE, $showMovedLinks=FALSE ) { $member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(); if ( !$member->isAdmin() ) { $where[] = array( 'raffles_categories.rc_open=1' ); } $joinContainer = TRUE; return parent::getItemsWithPermission( $where, $order, $limit, $permissionKey, $includeHiddenItems, $queryFlags, $member, $joinContainer, $joinComments, $joinReviews, $countOnly, $joins, $skipPermission, $joinTags, $joinAuthor, $joinLastCommenter, $showMovedLinks ); } public static function canCreate( \IPS\Member $member, \IPS\Node\Model $container=NULL, $showError=FALSE ) { $data = \IPS\raffles\Members::getMemberData( $member->member_id ); if( $member->member_id AND !$data['raffles_submit'] ) { if ( $showError ) { \IPS\Output::i()->error( 'raffle_error_submissions_blocked', 'RAFFLE-CREATE RAFFLE/1', 403, '' ); } return FALSE; } if( $member->group['g_raffle_rafflespertime'] > 0 ) { switch ( $member->group['g_raffle_rafflespertime_period'] ) { case 'D': $unit = time() - 86400; $name = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('raffle_day'); break; case 'W': $unit = time() - 604800; $name = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('raffle_week'); break; case 'M': $unit = time() - 2592000; $name = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('raffle_month'); break; case 'Y': $unit = time() - 217728000; $name = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('raffle_year'); break; } $raffles = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'count(*)', 'raffles_raffles', array( "raffle_mid=? AND raffle_submitted>?", \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $unit ) )->first(); if ( $raffles >= $member->group['g_raffle_rafflespertime'] ) { $msg = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('raffle_err_submissions_restriction_period', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $member->group['g_raffle_rafflespertime'], $name ) ) ); if ( $showError ) { \IPS\Output::i()->error( $msg, 'RAFFLE-CREATE RAFFLE/2', 403, '' ); } return FALSE; } } return parent::canCreate( $member, $container, $showError ); } public function canReview( $member = NULL, $considerPostBeforeRegistering = true ) { return parent::canReview( $member ); } public function changeAuthor( \IPS\Member $newAuthor, $log=true ) { if ( \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled( 'forums' ) ) { if ( $topic = $this->topic() ) { $topic->changeAuthor( $newAuthor ); } } parent::changeAuthor( $newAuthor ); } public static function formElements( $item=NULL, \IPS\Node\Model $container=NULL ) { $return = parent::formElements( $item, $container ); $return['title'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( "raffle_title", $item ? $item->title : NULL, TRUE, array( 'minLength' => \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_min_title_length, 'maxLength' => \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_max_title_length ) ); if( \IPS\Request::i()->do == 'submit' ) { $options = array(); $types = json_decode( $container->raffles_type, TRUE ); if( $types['raffle'] ) { $options[ 'raffle' ] = 'rc_raffles_type_raffles'; } if( $types['giveaway'] ) { $options[ 'giveaway' ] = 'rc_raffles_type_giveaways'; } if( \count( $options ) > 1 ) { $return['type'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'raffle_type', $item ? $this->type : NULL, TRUE, array( 'options' => $options, 'toggles' => array( 'raffle' => array( 'raffle_price', 'raffle_payment_type', 'raffle_points_required', 'raffle_restriction_tickets' ) ) ) ); } else { foreach( $options as $id => $lang ) { $type = $id; } } $paymentOptions = array(); $paymentTypes = json_decode( $container->payment_type, TRUE ); if( \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled( 'nexus' ) AND $paymentTypes['money'] ) { $paymentOptions[ 'money' ] = 'raffle_payment_type_money'; } if( \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled( 'membersshop' ) AND $paymentTypes['points'] AND \IPS\Application::load( 'membersshop' )->long_version >= 11003 AND \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_membersshop_onoff ) { $paymentOptions[ 'points' ] = 'raffle_payment_type_points'; } if( \count( $paymentOptions ) > 1 ) { $toggles = array( 'money' => array( 'raffle_price' ), 'points' => array( 'raffle_points_required' ) ); $return['payment_type'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'raffle_payment_type', NULL, FALSE, array( 'options' => $paymentOptions, 'toggles' => $toggles ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'raffle_payment_type' ); } if( isset( $paymentOptions[ 'money' ] ) AND $paymentOptions[ 'money' ] AND \count( $options ) > 1 OR $type == 'raffle' ) { $return['price'] = new \IPS\nexus\Form\Money( 'raffle_price', $item ? json_decode( $item->price, TRUE ) : 0, NULL, array(), function( $val ) { if( \IPS\Request::i()->raffle_type == 'raffle' AND ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->raffle_payment_type ) AND \IPS\Request::i()->raffle_payment_type === 'money' AND !$val ) OR ( !isset( \IPS\Request::i()->raffle_payment_type ) AND !$val ) ) { throw new \DomainException('form_required'); } if( \IPS\Request::i()->raffle_payment_type === 'money' AND \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_force_fill_price_currencies ) { echo time();exit; foreach( \IPS\nexus\Money::currencies() as $currency ) { if( !isset( $val[ $currency ]->currency, $currency ) ) { throw new \DomainException('raffle_invalid_price2'); } if( $val[ $currency ]->amount->isZero() OR !$val[ $currency ]->amount->isPositive() ) { throw new \DomainException('raffle_invalid_price1'); } } } }, NULL, NULL, 'raffle_price' ); $priceCaption = NULL; $fees = NULL; if ( $_fees = json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_transfee, TRUE ) ) { $fees = array(); foreach ( $_fees as $fee ) { $fees[] = (string) ( new \IPS\nexus\Money( $fee['amount'], $fee['currency'] ) ); } $fees = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->formatList( $fees, \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get('or_list_format') ); } if ( \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_percent and $fees ) { $priceCaption = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'raffle_price_desc_both', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_percent, $fees ) ) ); } elseif ( \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_percent ) { $priceCaption = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('raffle_price_desc_percent', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_percent ) ); } elseif ( $fees ) { $priceCaption = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('raffle_price_desc_fee', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => $fees ) ); } \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words['raffle_price_desc'] = $priceCaption; } if( isset( $paymentOptions[ 'points' ] ) AND $paymentOptions[ 'points' ] ) { $return['points'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'raffle_points_required', $item ? $item->points_required : 1, NULL, array( 'min' => 1 ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'raffle_points_required' ); } } $return['datelimit'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Date( 'raffle_datelimit', ( $item ) ? ( $item->datelimit ? \IPS\DateTime::ts( $item->datelimit ) : 0 ) : 0, TRUE, array( 'time' => TRUE ) ); $return['description'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Editor( 'raffle_description', ( $item ) ? $item->description : NULL, TRUE, array( 'app' => 'raffles', 'key' => 'Raffles', 'autoSaveKey' => 'raffles-new-raffle', 'attachIds' => ( $item === NULL ? NULL : array( $item->id ) ) ), function ( $val ) { if( mb_strlen( trim( strip_tags( $val ) ) ) < \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_min_description_length ) { $msg = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('raffle_err_content_length', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_min_description_length ) ); throw new \InvalidArgumentException( $msg ); } } ); $customFieldValues = $item ? $item->customFields() : array(); foreach ( $container->cfields as $k => $field ) { $return[] = $field->buildHelper( isset( $customFieldValues[ "field_{$k}" ] ) ? $customFieldValues[ "field_{$k}" ] : NULL ); } $return['image'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Upload( 'raffle_image', $item ? \IPS\File::get( 'raffles_Image', $item->image ) : NULL, TRUE, array( 'multiple' => FALSE, 'image' => TRUE, 'storageExtension' => 'raffles_Image' ) ); if( \IPS\Request::i()->do == 'submit' ) { $modOptions = array(); $toggles = array(); if ( static::modPermission( 'lock', NULL, $container ) ) { $modOptions['lock'] = 'create_raffle_locked'; $toggles['lock'] = array( 'create_raffle_locked' ); } if ( static::modPermission( 'pin', NULL, $container ) ) { $modOptions['pin'] = 'create_raffle_pinned'; $toggles['pin'] = array( 'create_raffle_pinned' ); } if ( static::modPermission( 'hide', NULL, $container ) ) { $modOptions['hide'] = 'create_raffle_hidden'; $toggles['hide'] = array( 'create_raffle_hidden' ); } if ( static::modPermission( 'feature', NULL, $container ) ) { $modOptions['feature'] = 'create_raffle_featured'; $toggles['feature'] = array( 'create_raffle_featured' ); } if ( \count( $modOptions ) or \count ( $toggles ) ) { $return['raffle_state'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\CheckboxSet( 'raffle_create_state', array(), FALSE, array( 'options' => $modOptions, 'toggles' => $toggles, 'multiple' => TRUE ) ); } } if( \IPS\Request::i()->do == "submit" AND ( isset( $type ) AND $type == 'raffle' OR \count( $options ) > 1 ) OR ( \IPS\Request::i()->do == "edit" AND $item->type == 'raffle' ) ) { $return['tickets'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'raffle_restriction_tickets', $item ? $item->restriction_tickets : 1, FALSE, array( 'min' => 1, 'unlimited' => -1, 'unlimitedLang' => 'no_restriction' ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'raffle_restriction_tickets' ); } $return['users'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'raffle_restriction_users', $item ? $item->restriction_users : 0, FALSE, array( 'unlimited' => 0, 'unlimitedLang' => 'no_restriction', 'min' => $item ? $item->totalParticipants() : 0 ), NULL, NULL, NULL ); if( \IPS\Request::i()->do == "submit" OR ( \IPS\Request::i()->do == "edit" AND $item->getParticipantsCount() ) ) { $return['posts'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'raffle_restriction_posts', $item ? $item->restriction_posts : 0, FALSE, array( 'unlimited' => 0, 'unlimitedLang' => 'no_restriction' ), NULL, NULL, NULL ); $return['rep'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'raffle_restriction_reppoints', $item ? $item->restriction_reppoints : 0, FALSE, array( 'unlimited' => 0, 'unlimitedLang' => 'no_restriction' ), NULL, NULL, NULL ); $return['joined'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'raffle_restriction_daysjoined', $item ? $item->restriction_daysjoined : 0, FALSE, array( 'unlimited' => 0, 'unlimitedLang' => 'no_restriction' ), NULL, NULL, NULL ); $return['age'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'raffle_restriction_age', $item ? $item->restriction_age : 0, FALSE, array( 'min' => 16, 'unlimited' => 0, 'unlimitedLang' => 'no_restriction' ), NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( $item ) { if ( $item->restriction_groups === '*' ) { $group = '*'; } else { $group = explode( ',', $item->restriction_groups ); } } else { $group = '*'; } $return['groups'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( 'raffle_restriction_groups', $group, FALSE, array( 'options' => \IPS\Member\Group::groups( TRUE, FALSE ), 'parse' => 'normal', 'multiple' => TRUE, 'unlimited' => '*', 'unlimitedLang' => 'all_groups' ) ); } $return['publish'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'raffle_publish', $item ? $item->status : TRUE, FALSE, array( 'togglesOn' => array( 'raffle_date' ) ) ); $date = NULL; if ( isset( $return['date'] ) ) { $date = $return['date']; unset( $return['date'] ); $return['date'] = $date; } if ( isset( $return['auto_follow'] ) ) { $autofollow = $return['auto_follow']; unset( $return['auto_follow'] ); $return['auto_follow'] = $autofollow; } return $return; } public function processForm( $values ) { parent::processForm( $values ); $this->description = $values['raffle_description']; $this->image = (string) $values['raffle_image']; $this->datelimit = $values['raffle_datelimit']->getTimestamp(); if( \IPS\Request::i()->do == 'submit' ) { $types = json_decode( $this->container()->raffles_type, TRUE ); if( $types['raffle'] ) { $options[ 'raffle' ] = 'rc_raffles_type_raffles'; } if( $types['giveaway'] ) { $options[ 'giveaway' ] = 'rc_raffles_type_giveaways'; } if( \count( $options ) > 1 ) { $type = $values['raffle_type']; } else { foreach( $options as $id => $lang ) { $type = $id; } } $this->type = $type; if( $type === 'raffle' ) { $paymentOptions = array(); $paymentTypes = json_decode( $this->container()->payment_type, TRUE ); if( isset( $paymentTypes['money'] ) AND $paymentTypes['money'] ) { $paymentOptions[ 'money' ] = 'raffle_payment_type_money'; } if( isset( $paymentTypes['points'] ) AND $paymentTypes['points'] AND \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled( 'membersshop' ) AND \IPS\Application::load( 'membersshop' )->long_version >= 11003 AND \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_membersshop_onoff ) { $paymentOptions[ 'points' ] = 'raffle_payment_type_points'; } if( \count( $paymentOptions ) > 1 ) { $this->payment_type = $values['raffle_payment_type']; if( $values['raffle_payment_type'] == 'money' ) { $this->payment_type = 'money'; $this->price = json_encode( $values['raffle_price'] ); $this->points_required = 0; } else { $this->payment_type = 'points'; $this->price = '[]'; $this->points_required = $values['raffle_points_required']; } } else { if( $paymentOptions[ 'money' ] ) { $this->payment_type = 'money'; $this->price = json_encode( $values['raffle_price'] ); $this->points_required = 0; } else { $this->payment_type = 'points'; $this->price = '[]'; $this->points_required = $values['raffle_points_required']; } } } else { $this->price = '[]'; $this->payment_type = NULL; $this->points_required = 0; } } if( isset( $values['raffle_price'] ) AND $values['raffle_price'] ) { foreach( $values['raffle_price'] as $currency => $currencyDetails ) { if( \IPS\Db::i()->checkForColumn( 'raffles_raffles', "raffle_{$currency}" ) ) { $this->$currency = $currencyDetails->amount; } } } if( isset( $values['raffle_restriction_tickets'] ) ) { $this->restriction_tickets = $values['raffle_restriction_tickets']; } else { $this->restriction_tickets = 1; } $this->restriction_users = $values['raffle_restriction_users']; if( isset( $values['raffle_restriction_posts'] ) ) { $this->restriction_posts = $values['raffle_restriction_posts']; } if( isset( $values['raffle_restriction_reppoints'] ) ) { $this->restriction_reppoints = $values['raffle_restriction_reppoints']; } if( isset( $values['raffle_restriction_daysjoined'] ) ) { $this->restriction_daysjoined = $values['raffle_restriction_daysjoined']; } if( isset( $values['raffle_restriction_age'] ) ) { $this->restriction_age = $values['raffle_restriction_age']; } if( isset( $values['raffle_restriction_groups'] ) ) { $this->restriction_groups = $values['raffle_restriction_groups'] !== '*' ? implode( ',', $values['raffle_restriction_groups'] ) : '*'; } $this->status = $values['raffle_publish'] ? 'published' : 'draft'; if( isset( $values['raffle_date'] ) ) { $this->submitted = ( $values['raffle_date'] AND $values['raffle_publish'] ) ? $values['raffle_date']->getTimestamp() : time(); } if ( $this->submitted > time() ) { $this->status = 'draft'; } if ( isset( $values['raffle_create_state'] ) ) { if ( \in_array( 'lock', $values['raffle_create_state'] ) ) { $this->locked = 1; } if ( \in_array( 'hide', $values['raffle_create_state'] ) ) { $this->open = 0; } if ( \in_array( 'pin', $values['raffle_create_state'] ) ) { $this->pinned = 1; } if ( \in_array( 'feature', $values['raffle_create_state'] ) ) { $this->featured = 1; } } $this->save(); $cfields = array(); foreach ( $this->container()->cfields as $field ) { $helper = $field->buildHelper(); if ( $helper instanceof \IPS\Helpers\Form\Upload ) { $cfields[ "field_{$field->id}" ] = (string) $values[ "raffles_field_{$field->id}" ]; } else { $cfields[ "field_{$field->id}" ] = $helper::stringValue( $values[ "raffles_field_{$field->id}" ] ); } if ( $helper instanceof \IPS\Helpers\Form\Editor ) { $field->claimAttachments( $this->id ); } } if ( !empty( $cfields ) ) { \IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'raffles_ccontent', array_merge( array( 'raffle_id' => $this->id, 'updated' => time() ), $cfields ), TRUE ); } $this->container()->setLastRaffle(); $this->container()->save(); \IPS\File::claimAttachments( 'raffles-new-raffle', $this->id ); } protected function processAfterCreate( $comment, $values ) { try { $original = \IPS\File::get( 'raffles_Image', $this->image ); \IPS\Db::i()->update( 'raffles_raffles', array( 'raffle_thumb' => (string) $original->thumbnail( 'raffles_Image' ) ), array( 'raffle_id=?', $this->id ) ); $this->save(); } catch( \Exception $e ){} parent::processAfterCreate( $comment, $values ); if ( $this->status == 'published' ) { $category = $this->container(); $category->last_raffle_id = $this->id; $category->last_raffle_date = time(); $category->save(); } } public function processAfterEdit( $values ) { if ( \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled('forums') and $this->topic() ) { $this->syncTopic(); } parent::processAfterEdit( $values ); $this->updated = time(); $this->save(); try { $original = \IPS\File::get( 'raffles_Image', $this->image ); \IPS\Db::i()->update( 'raffles_raffles', array( 'raffle_thumb' => (string) $original->thumbnail( 'raffles_Image' ) ), array( 'raffle_id=?', $this->id ) ); $this->save(); } catch( \Exception $e ){} } public function logDelete( $member = NULL ) { parent::logDelete( $member ); if ( $topic = $this->topic() and $this->container()->delete_topic ) { $topic->logDelete( $member ); } } public function delete() { if ( $topic = $this->topic() and $this->container()->delete_topic ) { $topic->delete(); } parent::delete(); foreach ( new \IPS\File\Iterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'raffle_image', 'raffles_raffles', array( 'raffle_id=?', $this->id ) ), 'raffles_Image' ) as $file ) { try { $file->delete(); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { } } foreach ( new \IPS\File\Iterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'raffle_thumb', 'raffles_raffles', array( 'raffle_id=? AND raffle_thumb IS NOT NULL', $this->id ) ), 'raffles_Image' ) as $file ) { try { $file->delete(); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { } } foreach ( new \IPS\File\Iterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'prize_image', 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_raffle_id=?', $this->id ) ), 'raffles_Prize' ) as $file ) { try { $file->delete(); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { } } foreach ( new \IPS\File\Iterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'prize_thumbnail', 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_raffle_id=?', $this->id ) ), 'raffles_Prize' ) as $file ) { try { $file->delete(); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { } } \IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'raffles_ccontent', array( 'raffle_id=?', $this->id ) ); \IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'raffles_participants', array( 'rp_raffle_id=?', $this->id ) ); \IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_raffle_id=?', $this->id ) ); $this->container()->setLastRaffle(); $this->container()->save(); } public static function canTag( \IPS\Member $member = NULL, \IPS\Node\Model $container = NULL ) { return parent::canTag( $member, $container ) and ( $container === NULL or !$container->tags_disabled ); } public static function canPrefix( \IPS\Member $member = NULL, \IPS\Node\Model $container = NULL ) { return parent::canPrefix( $member, $container ) and ( $container === NULL or !$container->tags_noprefixes ); } public static function definedTags( \IPS\Node\Model $container = NULL ) { if ( $container and $container->tags_predefined ) { return explode( ',', $container->tags_predefined ); } return parent::definedTags( $container ); } public static function supportsComments( \IPS\Member $member = NULL, \IPS\Node\Model $container = NULL ) { if( $container !== NULL ) { return parent::supportsComments() and $container->allowcomments AND ( !$member or $container->can( 'read', $member ) ); } else { return parent::supportsComments() and ( !$member or \IPS\raffles\Category::countWhere( 'read', $member, array( 'rc_allowcomments=1' ) ) ); } } public function setDefaultValues() { static::$reviewsPerPage = \IPS\Settings::i()->raffles_display_reviews; } public static function supportsReviews( \IPS\Member $member = NULL, \IPS\Node\Model $container = NULL ) { if( $container !== NULL ) { return parent::supportsReviews() and $container->allowreviews AND ( !$member or $container->can( 'read', $member ) ); } else { return parent::supportsReviews() and ( !$member or \IPS\raffles\Category::countWhere( 'read', $member, array( 'rc_allowcomments=1' ) ) ); } } public function onPublish( $member ) { $this->status = 'published'; $this->save(); parent::onPublish( $member ); $this->container()->resetCommentCounts(); $this->container()->save(); } public function onUnpublish( $member ) { $this->status = 'draft'; $this->save(); parent::onUnpublish( $member ); $this->container()->resetCommentCounts(); $this->container()->save(); } /** * Update Topic: workaround for the PROTECTED function * * @return void */ public function updateTopic() { if ( \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled('forums') and $this->topic() ) { $this->syncTopic(); } } public function updateTopicWithResult() { try { $topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::load( $this->topicid ); $type = $this->type == 'raffle' ? 'new_raffle' : 'new_giveaway'; $content = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'submit', 'raffles', 'front' )->updateTopicWithWinners( $this->id, $this->type, $winners ); \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->parseOutputForDisplay( $content ); $post = \IPS\forums\Topic\Post::create( $topic, $content, FALSE, NULL, NULL, $this->author() ); $post->post = $content; $post->save(); } catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e ) { return; } } public function displayShareLinks() { return $this->container()->sharing; } public function canUsePoints() { if( \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled( 'membersshop' ) AND \IPS\Application::load( 'membersshop' )->long_version >= 11003 AND \IPS\Settings::i()->raffle_membersshop_onoff AND ( $this->payment_type == 'both' OR $this->payment_type == 'points' ) ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } public function canChangeAuthor( \IPS\Member $member = NULL ) { return static::modPermission( 'edit', $member, $this->container() ); } public function canManagePrizes( $member=NULL ) { if( $this->isExpired() OR $this->isCompleted() ) { return FALSE; } $member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(); if ( !$member->member_id OR $this->locked() ) { return FALSE; } return ( $member->member_id == $this->author()->member_id ) or \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission( 'can_manage_prizes' ); } public function getPrizes() { try { $prizes = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_raffle_id=?', $this->id ), 'prize_place ASC' )->setKeyField( 'prize_id' ) ); return $prizes; } catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { return array(); } } public function getPrizeById( $id ) { try { $prize = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_raffle_id=? AND prize_id=?', $this->id, $id ) )->first(); return $prize; } catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { return array(); } } public function getPrizeByIdWinner( $id ) { try { $prize = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_raffle_id=? AND prize_place=?', $this->id, $id ) )->setKeyField( 'prize_id' ) ); return $prize; } catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { return array(); } } public function getFirstPrize() { try { $firstPrize = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_raffle_id=? AND prize_place=?', $this->id, 1 ) )->setKeyField( 'prize_id' ) ); return $firstPrize; } catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { return array(); } } public function getSecondPrize() { try { $secondPrize = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_raffle_id=? AND prize_place=?', $this->id, 2 ) )->setKeyField( 'prize_id' ) ); return $secondPrize; } catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { return array(); } } public function getThirdPrize() { try { $thirdPrize = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_raffle_id=? AND prize_place=?', $this->id, 3 ) )->setKeyField( 'prize_id' ) ); return $thirdPrize; } catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { return array(); } } public function canParticipate( $member=NULL ) { $return = TRUE; $member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(); if( !$this->getNumberOfPrizes() ) { $return = FALSE; } if( $this->type == 'raffle' AND $this->payment_type == 'money' AND !$this->price() ) { $return = FALSE; } if( !$this->container->can( 'buy' ) ) { $return = FALSE; } if( $this->expired ) { $return = FALSE; } if( $this->completed ) { $return = FALSE; } if ( $member->member_id == $this->author()->member_id ) { $return = FALSE; } if ( !$member->member_id ) { $return = FALSE; } if ( $member->raffle_ban_participation ) { $return = FALSE; } if( $this->restriction_users > 0 AND $this->totalParticipants() >= $this->restriction_users ) { $return = FALSE; } if( $this->restriction_posts > 0 AND $member->member_posts < $this->restriction_posts ) { $return = FALSE; } if( $this->restriction_reppoints > 0 AND $member->pp_reputation_points < $this->restriction_reppoints ) { $return = FALSE; } if( $this->restriction_daysjoined > 0 ) { $now = \IPS\DateTime::ts( time() ); $joined = $member->joined; $timeLeft = $now->diff( $joined ); if( $timeLeft->days < $this->restriction_daysjoined ) { $return = FALSE; } } if( $this->restriction_age > 0 AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->age() < $this->restriction_age ) { $return = FALSE; } if( $this->restriction_groups != '*' AND !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->inGroup( explode( ',', $this->restriction_groups ) ) ) { $return = FALSE; } if( $this->locked() ) { $return = FALSE; } if( $this->type == 'raffle' AND $this->payment_type == 'money' ) { if( !$this->price() ) { $reason[] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'raffle_cant_participate_no_price', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => $this->type ) ); } } if( $this->type == 'raffle' AND $this->restriction_tickets > 0 ) { $count = 0; foreach( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_participants', array( "rp_raffle_id=? AND rp_member_id=?", $this->id, $member->member_id ) ) as $row ) { $count += $row['rp_tickets']; } if ( $count >= $this->restriction_tickets ) { $return = FALSE; } } if( $this->type == 'raffle' AND \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled('membersshop') AND \IPS\Application::load( 'membersshop' )->long_version >= 11003 AND $this->payment_type == 'points' ) { if( $member->shopPoints() < $this->points_required ) { $return = FALSE; } } return $return; } public function getNumberOfPrizes() { return \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*) as count', 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_raffle_id=?', $this->id ) )->first(); } public function updateRafflePrizes() { $this->prizes += 1; $this->save(); } public function timeUntil( $timestamp ) { $now = \IPS\DateTime::ts( time() ); $expiredate = \IPS\DateTime::ts( $timestamp ); $timeLeft = \IPS\DateTime::formatInterval( $now->diff( $expiredate ) ); return $timeLeft; } public function isExpired() { if( $this->expired ) { return TRUE; } if( time() >= $this->datelimit ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } public function isCompleted() { if( $this->completed ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } public function price() { return static::_price( $this->price ); } public static function _price( $cost ) { if ( $cost ) { $currency = ( isset( $_SESSION['currency'] ) and \in_array( $_SESSION['currency'], \IPS\nexus\Money::currencies() ) ) ? $_SESSION['currency'] : \IPS\nexus\Customer::loggedIn()->defaultCurrency(); $costs = json_decode( $cost, TRUE ); if ( \is_array( $costs ) ) { if ( isset( $costs[ $currency ]['amount'] ) and $costs[ $currency ]['amount'] ) { return new \IPS\nexus\Money( $costs[ $currency ]['amount'], $currency ); } } else { return new \IPS\nexus\Money( $cost, $currency ); } } return NULL; } public function getParticipants() { try { $participants = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_participants', array( 'rp_raffle_id=?', $this->id ), "RAND()" )->setKeyField( 'rp_id' ) ); return $participants; } catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { return array(); } } public function getWinners() { try { $winners = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_winners', array( 'rw_raffle_id=?', $this->id ), "rw_prize_position ASC" )->setKeyField( 'rw_id' ) ); return $winners; } catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { return array(); } } public function amIParticipating() { $count = (int) \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'count(*)', 'raffles_participants', array( 'rp_raffle_id=? AND rp_member_id=?', $this->id, \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) )->first(); if( $count > 0 ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } public function getParticipantsCount() { $count = (int) \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'count(*)', 'raffles_participants', array( 'rp_raffle_id=?', $this->id ) )->first(); if( $count > 0 ) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } public function totalParticipants() { $count = (int) \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'count(*)', 'raffles_participants', array( 'rp_raffle_id=?', $this->id ) )->first(); return $count; } public function canMemberBeManuallyAdded( $member ) { $member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(); if( $this->type == 'raffle' ) { if( $this->restriction_tickets == 1 ) { $count = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'count(*)', 'raffles_participants', array( 'rp_raffle_id=? AND rp_member_id=?', $this->id, $member->member_id ) )->first(); if ( $count >= 1 ) { return FALSE; } } if( $this->restriction_tickets > 1 ) { $count = 0; foreach( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_participants', array( "rp_raffle_id=? AND rp_member_id=?", $this->id, $member->member_id ) ) as $row ) { $count += $row['rp_tickets']; } if ( $count >= $this->restriction_tickets ) { return FALSE; } } } else { $count = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'count(*)', 'raffles_participants', array( 'rp_raffle_id=? AND rp_member_id=?', $this->id, $member->member_id ) )->first(); if( $count > 0 ) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } public function canChangeTicketPrice() { if( \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled('nexus') AND ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_change_raffles_price') OR $this->author()->member_id == \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) AND $this->type=='raffle' AND ( !$this->isExpired() AND !$this->isCompleted() ) AND ( $this->payment_type == 'money' OR $this->payment_type == 'both' ) ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } public function canChangeTicketPoints() { if( \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled('membersshop') AND \IPS\Application::load( 'membersshop' )->long_version >= 11003 AND ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_change_raffles_price') OR $this->author()->member_id == \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) AND $this->type=='raffle' AND ( !$this->isExpired() AND !$this->isCompleted() ) AND ( $this->payment_type == 'points' OR $this->payment_type == 'both' ) ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } public function canReactivate( $member ) { if( $this->type == 'raffle' AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission( 'can_reactivate_raffles' ) ) { return TRUE; } if( $this->type == 'giveaway' AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission( 'can_reactivate_giveaways' ) ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } public function getMyNumberOfTickets( \IPS\Member $member ) { $member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(); try { $count = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_participants', array( 'rp_raffle_id=? AND rp_member_id=?', $this->id, $member->member_id ) )->first(); return $count['rp_tickets']; } catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { return 0; } } public function getMyRaffleJoinedDate( $member ) { $member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(); try { $date = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_participants', array( 'rp_raffle_id=? AND rp_member_id=?', $this->id, $member->member_id ) )->first(); return $date['rp_date']; } catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { return 0; } } public function getMemberOdds( $member ) { $member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(); $prTicketOdds = 100 / $this->tickets; $count = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'raffles_participants', array( 'rp_raffle_id=? AND rp_member_id=?', $this->id, $member->member_id ) )->first(); $myTickets = $count['rp_tickets']; return round( $myTickets * $prTicketOdds, 2); } public function updateRaffleParticipants() { $this->participants += 1; $this->save(); } public function decreaseRaffleParticipants() { $this->participants -= 1; $this->save(); } public function decreaseRaffleTickets( \IPS\Member $member ) { $tickets = $this->getMyNumberOfTickets( $member ); $this->tickets -= $tickets; $this->save(); } public function searchIndexPermissions() { if ( $this->status == 'draft' ) { return '0'; } return parent::searchIndexPermissions(); } public static function sitemapWhere() { return array( array( 'raffles_raffles.raffle_is_future_entry=0 AND raffles_raffles.raffle_status!=?', 'draft' ) ); } public static function searchResultSnippet( array $indexData, array $authorData, array $itemData, array $containerData = NULL, array $reputationData, $reviewRating, $view ) { $mainImage = isset( $itemData['raffle_thumb'] ) ? $itemData['raffle_thumb'] : $itemData['raffle_image']; $url = \IPS\Http\Url::internal( static::$urlBase . $indexData['index_item_id'], 'front', static::$urlTemplate, \IPS\Http\Url::seoTitle( $indexData['index_title'] ?: $itemData[ static::$databasePrefix . static::$databaseColumnMap['title'] ] ) ); $type = $itemData['raffle_type']; $time = $itemData['raffle_datelimit']; $participants = $itemData['raffle_participants']; $tickets = $itemData['raffle_tickets']; return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'raffles', 'front' )->searchResultRafflesSnippet( $indexData, $itemData, $mainImage, $url, $type, $time, $participants, $tickets, $view == 'condensed' ); } public static function reactionType() { return 'raffle_id'; } public static function supportedMetaDataTypes() { return array( 'core_FeaturedComments', 'core_ContentMessages' ); } public function contentImages( $limit = NULL ) { $attachments = parent::contentImages( $limit ) ?: array(); $attachments[] = array( 'raffles_Image' => $this->thumb ); if( $this->prizes > 0 ) { $count = 0; foreach( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'prize_image', 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_image IS NOT NULL AND prize_raffle_id=?', $this->id ) ) as $image ) { if ( $count == $limit ) { break; } $attachments[] = array( 'raffles_Prize' => (string) $image ); $count++; } } return \count( $attachments ) ? $attachments : NULL; } public function embedImage() { return $this->thumb ? \IPS\File::get( 'raffles_Image', $this->thumb ) : NULL; } public function embedContent( $params ) { \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'raffles.css', 'raffles', 'front' ) ); return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'raffles', 'front' )->embedRaffle( $this, $this->url()->setQueryString( $params ), $this->embedImage() ); } public function coverPhoto( $getOverlay=TRUE, $position='full' ) { $photo = new \IPS\Helpers\CoverPhoto; if ( $this->cover_photo ) { $photo->file = \IPS\File::get( 'raffles_CoverPhoto', $this->cover_photo ); $photo->offset = $this->cover_offset; } if ( $getOverlay ) { $photo->overlay = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'view', 'raffles', 'front' )->coverPhotoOverlay( $this, $position ); } $photo->editable = $this->canEdit(); $photo->object = $this; return $photo; } public function coverPhotoBackgroundColor() { return $this->staticCoverPhotoBackgroundColor( $this->mapped('title') ); } public static function containerForumIdColumn() { return 'forum'; } function getTopicTitle() { return $this->container()->prefix . $this->title . $this->container()->suffix; } function getTopicContent() { return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'submit', 'raffles', 'front' )->topic( $this ); } /** * Can convert review to comment? * * @param \IPS\Member $member The member (null for currently logged in member) * @return bool */ public function canConvertReview( \IPS\Member $member = NULL ) { $member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(); if ( $member->modPermission( 'raffle_can_convert_rev_com' ) and ( ( $member->modPermission( \IPS\raffles\Category::$modPerm ) === TRUE or $member->modPermission( \IPS\raffles\Category::$modPerm ) === -1 ) or ( \is_array( $member->modPermission( \IPS\raffles\Category::$modPerm ) ) and \in_array( $this->container()->_id, $member->modPermission( \IPS\raffles\Category::$modPerm ) ) ) ) and $this->container()->allowcomments ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } public static function getWidgetSortOptions() { $sortOptions = parent::getWidgetSortOptions(); $sortOptions['_rand'] = 'sort_rand'; return $sortOptions; } public function apiOutput() { return array( 'id' => $this->id, 'title' => $this->title, 'category' => $this->container()->apiOutput(), 'author' => $this->author()->apiOutput(), 'date' => \IPS\DateTime::ts( $this->submitted )->rfc3339(), 'datelimit' => \IPS\DateTime::ts( $this->datelimit )->rfc3339(), 'draft' => $this->status == 'draft', 'description' => $this->content(), 'type' => $this->type, 'items' => $this->items, 'prizes' => $this->prizes, 'participants' => $this->participants, 'tickets' => $this->tickets, 'expired' => $this->expired, 'completed' => $this->completed, 'comments' => $this->comments, 'reviews' => $this->reviews, 'views' => $this->views, 'prefix' => $this->prefix(), 'tags' => $this->tags(), 'locked' => (bool) $this->locked(), 'hidden' => (bool) $this->hidden(), 'pinned' => (bool) $this->mapped('pinned'), 'featured' => (bool) $this->mapped('featured'), 'rating' => $this->averageRating(), 'url' => (string) $this->url(), ); } } В: public function delete() Попробую сам отредактировать, не уверен, что получится, так как не очень опытен. Буду признателен, если вы хотите помочь. ОБНОВИТЬ: Починил это!!!! Я добавил: Quote \IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'raffles_winners', array( 'rw_raffle_id=?', $this->id ) ); После: Quote \IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'raffles_prizes', array( 'prize_raffle_id=?', $this->id ) ); Спасибо всем!!
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