Posted April 9, 201212 yr comment_2305 скачал этот хук (SOS33) Enhanced Member Edit при нажатии кнопки быстрого редактирования пользователя выскакивает такая ошибка Warning: Missing argument 4 for skin_mod_4::sos33_editmember(), called in /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/hooks/sos33_enhancedmemberedit_template_d00c04dcd34f264e3a8d38edcd2220d8.php on line 114 and defined in /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_mod.php on line 772 Warning: Missing argument 5 for skin_mod_4::sos33_editmember(), called in /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/hooks/sos33_enhancedmemberedit_template_d00c04dcd34f264e3a8d38edcd2220d8.php on line 114 and defined in /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_mod.php on line 772 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_mod.php:772) in /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 110 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_mod.php:772) in /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 127 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_mod.php:772) in /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 136 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_mod.php:772) in /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 137 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_mod.php:772) in /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 141 подскажите в чем проблема
April 9, 201212 yr comment_2309 В теме поддержки IP.Board Rus оба варианта исправления ошибки сделал?
April 9, 201212 yr Author comment_2314 В теме поддержки IP.Board Rus оба варианта исправления ошибки сделал? ту ошибку я исправил по второму способу,все было нормально,а сейчас установил это хук и выдает такую ошибку но уже в файле skin_mod.php
April 9, 201212 yr comment_2317 Содержание строки /home/m/microgosu/web/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_mod.php on line 772
April 9, 201212 yr Author comment_2319 /* -- sos33_editmember --*/ function sos33_editmember($member, $groups, $others, $masks, $perms) { а далее $IPBHTML = ""; if ( $member['temp_ban'] ) { $show_ban = $pieces = explode( ":", $member['temp_ban'] ); $timespan = $show_ban[1]; $text = "<strong>" . $this->lang->words['member_supsended_til'] . ' ' . ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->getDate( $timespan, 'LONG', 1 ) . "</strong>"; } else { $timespan = ""; $unit = ""; $text = ""; } $IPBHTML .= "<h3 class='bar'>{$this->lang->words['mem_tab_basics']}</h3> <ul class='ipsForm ipsForm_horizontal'> <li class='ipsField'> <label for='posts' class='ipsField_title'>{$this->lang->words['t_ipposts']}</label> <input type='text' id='posts' class='input_text' name='posts' value='{$member['posts']}'/><br /> </li> <li class='ipsField'> <label for='pp_reputation_points' class='ipsField_title'>Репутация/Нравится</label> <input type='text' id='pp_reputation_points' class='input_text' name='pp_reputation_points' value='{$member['pp_reputation_points']}'/><br /> </li> <li class='ipsField'> <label for='member_group_id' class='ipsField_title'>{$this->lang->words['mem_p_group']}</label> <select id='member_group_id' class='input_select' name='member_group_id'> ".$this->__f__d5bf3287f43e6b569c3387d989aee0ab($member,$groups,$others,$masks,$perms)." </select><br /> </li> <li class='ipsField'> <label for='mgroup_others' class='ipsField_title'>{$this->lang->words['mem_s_group']}</label> <select id='mgroup_others' class='input_select' name='mgroup_others[]' multiple='multiple' size='8'> ".$this->__f__a8f83e4b091df3240b567adc97012496($member,$groups,$others,$masks,$perms)." </select><br /> </li> <li class='ipsField'> <input class='input_check' type="checkbox" id="member_banned" name="member_banned" value="1"" . (($member['member_banned']) ? (" checked="checked"") : ("")) . " /> <label for='member_banned' class='ipsField_title'>Забанить пользователя</label> </li> <li class='ipsField'> <label for='members_disable_pm' class='ipsField_title'>{$this->lang->words['sm_disablepm']}</label> <select id='members_disable_pm' class='input_select' name='members_disable_pm'> <option value='0' " . (($member['members_disable_pm'] == 0) ? ("selected="selected"") : ("")) . ">{$this->lang->words['no']}</option> <option value='1' " . (($member['members_disable_pm'] == 1) ? ("selected="selected"") : ("")) . ">Yes - but allow the member to re-enable</option> <option value='2' " . (($member['members_disable_pm'] == 2) ? ("selected="selected"") : ("")) . ">Yes - and DON'T allow the member to re-enable</option> </select> <br /> </li> <li class='ipsField'> <label for='use_sign' class='ipsField_title'>Разрешить использовать РїРѕРґРїРёСЃСЊ?</label> <input class='input_check' type="checkbox" id="use_sign" name="use_sign" value="1"" . (($member['use_sign']) ? (" checked="checked"") : ("")) . " /> </li> <li class='ipsField'> " . ((!$member['temp_ban']) ? ("<label for='timespan' class='ipsField_title'>Заблокировать {$member['members_display_name']} РЅР°</label> <input type='text' id='timespan' class='input_text' name='timespan' size="5" value="{$timespan}" /> <select id='units' class='input_select' name='units'> <option value='h' " . (($unit == 'h') ? ("selected="selected"") : ("")) . ">Час</option> <option value='d' " . (($unit == 'd') ? ("selected="selected"") : ("")) . ">Дней</option> </select>") : (" <label for='unsuspend' class='ipsField_title'>Разблокировать пользователя</label> <input class='input_check' type="checkbox" id="unsuspend" name="unsuspend" value="1" /> ( {$text} ) ")) . " </li> </ul> <br /><br />"; return $IPBHTML; } function __f__d5bf3287f43e6b569c3387d989aee0ab($member, $groups, $others, $masks, $perms) { $_ips___x_retval = ''; $__iteratorCount = 0; foreach( $groups as $g ) { $__iteratorCount++; $_ips___x_retval .= " <option value='{$g['group_id']}' " . (($member['member_group_id'] == $g['group_id']) ? ("selected="selected"") : ("")) . ">{$g['group_title']}</option> "; } $_ips___x_retval .= ''; unset( $__iteratorCount ); return $_ips___x_retval; } function __f__a8f83e4b091df3240b567adc97012496($member, $groups, $others, $masks, $perms) { $_ips___x_retval = ''; $__iteratorCount = 0; foreach( $groups as $r ) { $__iteratorCount++; $_ips___x_retval .= " <option value='{$r['group_id']}'" . ((in_array( $r['group_id'], $others )) ? (" selected="selected"") : ("")) . ">{$r['group_title']}</option> "; } $_ips___x_retval .= ''; unset( $__iteratorCount ); return $_ips___x_retval; }
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