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Invision Community 5 Nulled 5.0.3

(1 review)

3 изображения

Invision Community 5 Nulled!

If the payment methods do not suit you, write to me via feedback

Новое в версии 5.0.3


#3871: Disable extensions for recovery mode
#3802: Badges in ACP tables were wrapping
#3824: Fix issue where guest comments hang instead of showing a "pending approval" message
#3843: Removed backgrounds, backdrops and conditionally hid captions from Images Widget
#3865: Force Account Settings page to use any predefined FURLs
#3883: Fix exception when viewing Blog RSS feeds
#3832: Fix issue where banned users still have menu options on mobile
#3902: Filter out empty club field values
#3826: Mitigate Icon Picker Lagginess
 - Issue #3594: Big Lag when using the icon picker...
 - Issue #3770: Editor icon picker configuration
#3854: Active inbox message titles are no longer dark
#3857: Ensure widgets with custom backgrounds inherit border-radius
#3859: Added ipsBox styles to edit form
#3863: Filter out empty secondary group IDs
#3870: Fix Elasticsearch Similar Content issue
#3881: Fix http links in the privacy page
#3882: Fix exception when editing featured content with images
#3885: Fixed width of avatar on profile page
#3887: Updated gallery stat icons
#3891: Fixed minor UI issue in Messenger
#3892: Fixed toggling Activity Stream as default
#3893: Improved spacing of edit form inside posts/comments
#3894: Fixed border-radius of loading dialogs
#3895: Fixed spacing in Account Settings
#3896: Fixed the UI of "Drag to upload files.." on tablets
#3898: Fixed some minor UI issues with ModCP and Notifications page
#3864: Forums may not show if last poster has been anonymised.
#3852: Advertisements optimisation
#3844: Removed gridspan and restored htmlId from radioImages
#3840: Fix PII Export XML issue
 - Issue #3794: Request PII Data XML file invalid
 - Issue #3830: Cannot export PII Data
#3764: Fix issues with importing themes
#3835: Sync content promoted in v4 with featured content in v5
#3838: Catch exceptions in the deletion log
#3839: Hide items from DatabaseNavigation widget if there is no permission to see them
#3842: Improved contrast of form headers in ACP.
#3833: Remove hard-coded ipsWidget--transparent class from builder widgets
#3790: Hide "Featured By" from Our Picks if the member is not available
#3823: Fix issue where all blog comments are moderated
#3792: Improved performance of navigation "More" menu
#3798: Removed stray '>' in includeJS
#3804: Fixed alignment of color settings in Theme Editor
#3812: Fix issue where deleting a menu item did not give the option to publish
#3814: Don’t share config object between instances
#3729: Fix issue where both an address and an online link can show on an event
#3785: Include URL in disk log
#3787: Add can_edit_tags permission to control cover photo permissions for tags
#3820: Made blog/category header UI consistent with other areas of the suite
#3789: Fix incorrect tooltip in ActiveUsers widget
#3821: Bring back the our picks in email setting
#3813: Don't send assignment notifications to the assignee if they are the one assigning
#3793: Fixed an issue where archived posts were not deleted on topic delete
#3327: Modify Stripe gateway to check for test vs live keys based on NEXUS_TEST_GATEWAYS

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



2 часа назад, AkaiTSB said:

payment is monthly ?




10 hours ago, Respected said:


Can revise the price ??






11 часов назад, Respected said:


When is this going to end? Every month? @Respected pls check feedback I sent you a message

Edited by kevinexit



9 часов назад, kevinexit said:

You don’t accept PayPal?




@Respected привет.

когда на своей странице жму Репутация

Screenshot 2024-11-24 at 15-53-27 SlawkA - IPBMafia.ru - поддержка Invision Community релизы темы плагины и приложения.png

то потом перебрасывает на ошибку

Снимок экрана (233).png



6 версию загрузите пожалуйста ❤️



Она бесплатна? Или еще за нулл платить?

У меня версия 4.7.20, как ее обновить или придется все по новой установит, а таблицы выброчно переносить?



Багов конечно еще немеренно. Но самый главный вопрос, зачем они поменяли имена классов CSS в 5 версии для pages. Лол, абсурд же. Столько всего у меня было повязано, переделать не проблема, но смысла понять не могу.

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