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Сообщения, опубликованные Xontero

  1. Integration with Vkontakte

    Приложение Интеграция с Вконтакте содержит в себе три набора функционала:

    1. VK.com Login Handler - авторизация пользователей в Invision Community с помощью социальной сети Вконтакте. Инструкция по настройке.

    2. VK.com Share Service - пользователи могут делиться любым контентом в сообществе с помощью одной кнопки. Подробнее.

    3. VK.com Content Promotion - продвижение контента в группу или страницу Вконтакте по расписанию. Подробнее о продвижение в Вконтакте.


  2. saiko 

    for forums use this in costum.css:

    .cForumList .cForumRow .cForumTitle::before {
      content: "\f27a";
      background-image: linear-gradient(to left,#21f0bf,#5a8ef1) !important;
      font-family: fontawesome;
      font-size: 15px;
      font-weight: 600;
      color: #fff;

    but if you want to different Icon for each forum you can use this method:

    .cForumList .cForumRow[data-categoryid="X"] .cForumTitle::before {
      content: "\f27a" !important;
      font-family: fontawesome;
      font-size: 15px;

    **instead of X you should use forum ID**


    for widgets use this in costum.css:

    .cWidgetContainer[data-widgetArea="footer"] ul > li.ipsWidget .ipsType_sectionTitle::before, .cWidgetContainer[data-widgetArea="header"] ul > li.ipsWidget .ipsType_sectionTitle::before, .cWidgetContainer[data-widgetArea="footer"] ul > li.ipsWidget .ipsWidget_title::before, .cWidgetContainer[data-widgetArea="header"] ul > li.ipsWidget .ipsWidget_title::before {
      content: "\f27a";
      font-family: fontawesome;
      font-weight: 600;
      color: #fff;

    but if you want to different Icon for each widget you can use this method:

    .ipsWidget[data-blockid*="X] .ipsWidget_title::before {
      content: "\f075" !important;
      font-family: fontawesome;

    **instead of X you should use data-blockid**


    good luck

  3. 15 hours ago, or1k said:

    You need to scroll to the "recent topics" system widget. This is real?
    The goal is to be able to scroll to the topic that you missed.


    for default TopicFeed widget add this in custom.css:

    #ipsLayout_mainArea [data-blockid*="app_forums_topicFeed"] .ipsWidget_inner {
      max-height: 375px;
      overflow: auto;
      scrollbar-width: thin;

    after that you should edit widget and set Number to show to 25 or each number you want


    for recent topic plugin add this in custom.css:

    #ipsLayout_mainArea [data-blockid*="plugin_1_recentTopics"] .ipsWidget_inner { 
      max-height: 375px; 
      overflow: auto; 
      scrollbar-width: thin; 

    after that you should edit widget and set Number to show to 25 or each number you want

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