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Сообщения, опубликованные BlackShot

  1. 19 hours ago, AHristich said:

    BlackShot If I understood you correctly, the solution is here

    Hmmm... I was talking about something like this:


    The issue with the forums is that it doesn't search for an image within the posts. It always displays the same default picture uploaded to "Icons & Logos".

  2. If we upload an image to "Default share image" in Customization > Appearance > Icons & Logos, that's the picture that's going to load if we paste a forum link on WhatsApp, for example.

    However, if the topic or page in question has a picture, how can we make the engine use that picture instead of the default share image? In other words, how can we make the default share image load only when the topic or page has no pictures?

    This behavior is similar to Facebook, YouTube, etc.

  3. 18 hours ago, revolltadoos said:

    I tried in version 4.6.12 and I was not successful, could you help me? if you already finished your plugin could you provide me? I would be very grateful

    in fact, I saw that you made it for the download part, I wanted it for the files that we make available in the topics

    I found it here, due to a translation error into my language it was hard to understand, but I managed to do it, thanks




    Actually, I think this is what you're looking for:

    Not sure if there's a higher version out there, you would have to look.

  4. 3 hours ago, by_ix said:

    or1k BlackShot на 4.6.9 работает нормально. выше обновляться не хочу пока что.
    321.PNG.7ee7e53525e0903153805ca5b9a4144f.PNG 123.PNG.b3974ffad48a7ca4ab5cf36242c35f9b.PNG

    да, удалить можете её.

    What does your approval queue/submission looks like? Does it show the person's picture? Mine doesn't even do that, let alone add a verification check.

  5. 18 hours ago, mvxvmk said:

    Спасибо, но какие-то технические шоколадки происходят после установки.. Если подать заявку, затем ее одобрить, то ничего не появится - галочка не будет выдана.. Как фиксить?

    Same here with me. After a submission is approved, nothing happens.

    Maybe @by_ixwill be kind enough to look into it for us? :ah:

  6. I think I've found this app's latest version (1.0.16). However, the second step in the wizard doesn't work. It doesn't find the servers you add. The current version posted by @Maiden8 does.

    The workaround is installing the old version, configuring the app and adding your server, and then upgrading it to the latest version.

    Does anybody know how to fix it the latest version though - to make it display the server list properly?


  7. @by_ix I think I found the culprit for that error. It's the "SELECT_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS" command on line 120 in read.php. It is a deprecated function and doesn't work anymore. This is the current expression:

    $select	= \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_members', $_SESSION['rtta_pside'], 'member_id ASC', array( is_array( $data ) ? $data['done'] : 0, $cycle ), NULL, NULL, \IPS\Db::SELECT_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS );
    $total	= $select->count( TRUE );

    Do you know how to replace SELECT_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS with a working method?



  8. 2 hours ago, by_ix said:

    avangcom BlackShot в чём проблема?

    A few things:

    • The message uses an old IPS style, which makes the background blueish instead of white
    • There's no button to "Force users to read topic/announcement" in topics or announcements, like in the app's screenshots
    • CSFR protection needs to be added to its code (which can easily be done, but...)


    Actually, I just realized the button shows under the moderator tools, not under the common post options, lol

    Edit 2:

    Okay, the button does show correctly, but it throws an error message when we try to use it. 🙃

  9. 29 minutes ago, ryancoolround said:
    1. I embed tweets into the site, now the tweets don't work.
    2. Some of the users used a picture from a third-party photo hosting, and this photo hosting displayed an iframe instead of a picture, which could lead to blocking the site.
    3. In our country, one social network became drastically banned, after which I sat all night looking for posts that mention this social network.
    4. The website analysis services that I used were sending threats and calls for rallies to my email

    Recently, we are facing more and more troubles that are associated with third-party resources.

    So, until our governments say, "make peace, make peace and fight no more," I no longer rely on third-party services, even in small communities like mine.
    From now on, we live in a world where relying on third-party services is not safe.

    And one more thing... Cloudflare probably has the most moronic captcha in the world, which I hate)

    I'm not sure how the points you mentioned were caused by CloudFlare, but it's very tweakable. You can choose what tools and settings to use. Their anti-bot protection is awesome, you don't even need to use their captcha tool for that. If you want to use their captcha though, they have released a new version called Managed Challenge. It's pretty smart and barely shows any captchas.

  10. 1 hour ago, Desti said:

    You can create new settings (array ), for example "showConfirmCheckbox" (in App...Form application), add number of your forms with checkbox ( [2,3,6] ) and use this settings for enable-disable checkbox. 

    if( \in_array( \IPS\Request::i()->id, \IPS\Settings::i()->showConfirmCheckbox ) ) {
      $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Checkbox......

    Genius! I'll try that soon and let you know if I had success. 

    PS: I completed a basic PHP course and now I'm trying to study object oriented PHP like you recommended, but I still feel like it's going to be a loooong fucking journey. Shit is difficult. I'm trying though. xD

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