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Не переходит к последнему сообщению.

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Добрый день.


Есть такая проблема. Поставил форум с нуля. IP.Content настроил как главную страницу. (возможно есть связь) Тема не стандартная >Shift

Теперь если зайти на главную страницу форума и кликнуть на время темы, то должен произойти переход к последнему сообщению, но ничего не происходит.

Ссылка на времени вида сайт.ru/forums/topic/тема/?view=getlastpost

Более того, если нажать на тему, происходит ровно тоже самое.

Ссылка на теме сайт.ru/forums/topic/тема/?view=getnewpost


Подскажите где копать




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Как я понял корень проблемы в furlTemplates.php который я менял для вывода ip content на главную страницу. Но понять почему не открываются последние сообщения не могу :( need help



* Invision Power Services
* IP.Board v3.3.4
* Sets up SEO templates
* Last Updated: $Date: 2012-06-12 10:14:49 -0400 (Tue, 12 Jun 2012) $

* @author $Author: bfarber $
* @copyright © 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license __www.invisionp...rds.php#license
* @package IP.Board
* @subpackage Forums
* @link __www.invisionpower.com
* @since 20th February 2002
* @version $Rev: 10914 $

if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
print "

Incorrect access

You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

* SEO templates
* 'allowRedirect' is a flag to tell IP.Board whether to check the incoming link and if not formatted correctly, redirect the correct one
* First array element is a regex to run to see if we've a match for the URL
* The second array element is the template to use the results of the parenthesis capture
* Special variable #{__title__} is replaced with the $title data passed to output->formatUrl( $url, $title)
* IMPORTANT: Remember that when these regex are used, the output has not been fully parsed so you will get:
* showuser={$data['member_id']} NOT showuser=1 so do not try and match numerics only!
* This allows the registry to piece back together a URL based on the template regex
* So, for example: "/user/(d+?)/", 'matches' => array( array( 'showuser' => '$1' ) )tells IP.Board to populate 'showuser' with the result
* of the parenthesis capture #1

'showannouncement' => array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 1,
'out' => array( '#showannouncement=(.+?)((?:&|&)f=(.+?))?(&|$)#i', 'forums/forum-$3/announcement-$1-#{__title__}/$4' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#/forums/forum-(d+?)?/announcement-(d+?)-#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'showannouncement', '$2' ), array( 'f', '$1' ) ) ) ),

'showforum' => array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 1,
'out' => array( '#showforum=(.+?)(&|$)#i', 'forums/forum/$1-#{__title__}/$2' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#^/forums/forum/(d+?)-#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'showforum', '$1' ) ) ) ),

'showtopicunread'=> array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 1,
'out' => array( '#showtopic=(.+?)(?:&|&)view=getnewpost(&|$)#i', 'forums/topic/$1-#{__title__}/unread/$2' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#^/forums/topic/(d+?)-([^/]+?)/unread(/|$)#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'showtopic', '$1' ),
array( 'view', 'getnewpost' ) ) ) ),

'showtopicnextunread'=> array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 1,
'out' => array( '#showtopic=(.+?)(?:&|&)view=getnextunread(&|$)#i', 'forums/topic/$1-#{__title__}/nextunread/$2' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#^/forums/topic/(d+?)-([^/]+?)/nextunread(/|$)#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'showtopic', '$1' ),
array( 'view', 'getnextunread' ) ) ) ),

'showtopic' => array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 1,
'out' => array( '#showtopic=(.+?)(&|$)#i', 'forums/topic/$1-#{__title__}/$2' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#^/forums/topic/(d+?)-#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'showtopic', '$1' ) ) ) ),

'acteqst' => array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 1,
'out' => array( '#act=ST(.*?)&t=(.+?)(&|$)#i', 'forums/topic/$2-#{__title__}/$3' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#^notavalidrequest$#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'showtopic', '0' ) ) ) ),

'act=idx' => array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 0,
'out' => array( '#act=idx(&|$)#i', 'forums/$1' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#^/forums(/|$|?)#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'act', 'idx' ) ) ) ),


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Методом тыка пришел к вот такому файлу furlTemplates.php. Вроде работает пока.


 * Invision Power Services
 * IP.Board v3.4.6
 * Sets up SEO templates
 * Last Updated: $Date: 2012-07-31 09:39:50 -0400 (Tue, 31 Jul 2012) $

* @author $Author: mmecham $
* @copyright © 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license __www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
* @package IP.Board
* @subpackage Forums
* @link __www.invisionpower.com
* @since 20th February 2002
* @version $Rev: 11159 $

if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
print "

Incorrect access

You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

* SEO templates
* 'allowRedirect' is a flag to tell IP.Board whether to check the incoming link and if not formatted correctly, redirect the correct one
* First array element is a regex to run to see if we've a match for the URL
* The second array element is the template to use the results of the parenthesis capture
* Special variable #{__title__} is replaced with the $title data passed to output->formatUrl( $url, $title)
* IMPORTANT: Remember that when these regex are used, the output has not been fully parsed so you will get:
* showuser={$data['member_id']} NOT showuser=1 so do not try and match numerics only!
* This allows the registry to piece back together a URL based on the template regex
* So, for example: "/user/(d+?)/", 'matches' => array( array( 'showuser' => '$1' ) )tells IP.Board to populate 'showuser' with the result
* of the parenthesis capture #1

'showannouncement' => array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 1,
'out' => array( '#showannouncement=(.+?)((?:&|&)f=(.+?))?(&|$)#i', 'forum-$3/announcement-$1-#{__title__}/$4' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#/forum-(d+?)?/announcement-(d+?)-#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'showannouncement', '$2' ), array( 'f', '$1' ) ) ) ),

'showforum' => array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 1,

'out' => array( '#showforum=(.+?)(&|$)#i', 'forum/$1-#{__title__}/$2' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#^/forum/(d+?)-#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'showforum', '$1' ) ) ) ),

'showtopic' => array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 1,

'out' => array( '#showtopic=(.+?)(#|&|$)#i', 'topic/$1-#{__title__}/$2' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#^/topic/(d+?)-#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'showtopic', '$1' ) ) ) ),

'acteqst' => array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 1,
'out' => array( '#act=ST(.*?)&t=(.+?)(&|$)#i', 'topic/$2-#{__title__}/$3' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#^notavalidrequest$#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'showtopic', '0' ) ) ) ),

'act=idx' => array( 'app' => 'forums',
'allowRedirect' => 0,
'out' => array( '#act=idx(&|$)#i', 'forums/$1' ),
'in' => array( 'regex' => '#^/forums(/|$|?)#i',
'matches' => array( array( 'act', 'idx' ) ) ) ),

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