By changing the version number, I don't remember exactly which file, you'll need to search for yourself.
Красивые иконки групп
The problem has been solved, But this application is official for cloud customers only, how did you get it😃
Does not work on v4.7.19 Can you update it?
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This happens to the admin account because it includes thousands of notifications, the notifications work for the rest of the users
Invision Community 5 Nulled
- Member mention
kevinexit reacted to отзыв на файл: Sticky Header
Sticky Header
- Sticky Header
Invision Community 5 Nulled
This is a problem with beta 2 It will be fixed in the next update
I did that and the problem was not solved, maybe something is wrong🤦
- InvisionCommunityPro
Test it on localhost When removing the code shown, the logo appeared on the top left, but the rest of the buttons did not appear
Unfortunately not because of this, there is another problem that leads to this error, Also the design is not responsive well on the mobile phone