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  1. OzzieKris posted пост в теме in Themes and design
    update to 4.7.13 👍 Brave 4.7.13.xml https://mega.nz/file/9vVj1C5Q#Q6RC0nU_viukW5f6WkH-vwXru-FcaG4TX_8sDwKIyPc
  2. Cheers Zero, their is a template app but i cant find it anywhere. id like to try that app as it could be used for many things not just the videos/movies.
  3. ive never seen a russian keyboard, would be interesting to see one 😂 and thank you for translation 👍
  4. is that what it really says?? 😂😂
  5. OzzieKris posted пост в теме in Web-дизайн
    I got bored so i made some IPBMafia Signatures 😂 Sorry if i was supposed to ask permission to use the Site logo, I hope im excused as it was used for a contribution to the site. Like em or not, Just thought id share
  6. on this site, in the Site Logo Image. what does it say underneath the IPBMafia.ru??
  7. Sorry if this is "Spammy". I wouldnt ask but i dont know how to translate images to english LOL. So could someone translate to english, what it says underneath the Site Logo Please. Извините, если это "Спам". Я бы не спрашивал, но я не знаю, как перевести изображения на английский LOL. Так может кто-нибудь перевести на английский то, что написано под логотипом сайта, пожалуйста. 😋
  8. Hello Everyone,👋 Hope your all doing well. 🙏 I was wondering if there is a way to make New posts/topics in a particular forum, have a set template to follow when posting. Example: When posting a New Movie, have it so there is preset fields to optionally fill in that appear in the description box like Release Date: Starring: Director: Genre: Rating: Runtime: many years ago i think they had such a thing on Vbulletin, so im wondering if theirs any such option for 4.7
  9. yes ,i messed up lots of icons LOL ive had a lot of brainstorming to figure out how to get things to work correctly, (Im just a Newb) Maybe i should feel lucky i didnt destroy my site and only got a few icon issues😁 The above files are the Font Awesome Files, they are not an invision Plugin. I know their is a Font Awesome Plugin for invision But anyways i thought id share what i got and others can use them how they wish. Or if one of you geniuses here knows how to use these to update the Invision plugin to latest icons im sure whoever uses it would like it. Im a newb and dont have the knowledge to do anything like that, sorry
  10. Font Awesome Pro 6.5.1 - Free For The Web - Free For The Desktop - Pro For The Web - Pro For The Desktop Download: FA-6.5.1 zip https://mega.nz/file/Mn93UYZS#Gzl3ZpOK07KLGR6TZaLyxDBV0ClIKgMWqSQvddNEf8c
  11. thank you Zero, i tried what you said but no change.
  12. Gday Everyone. not sure if this topics dead or not but ive been trying to find this plugin and it seems one of those ones thats hard to find (unless you pay for it of course LOL) was wondering if anyone has this voice messages for chatbox plugin theyd be happy to share https://forum.invisionize.pl/topic/54094-ips-marketplace-voice-message-for-chatbox/
  13. not sure if im "barking up the wrong tree" here and not exactly sure what your looking for but any ideas are good ideas i guess 😁 Zero Cracked me up laughing with this 😂 but it threw a domain idea at me, that seems a bit naughty but it isnt, Could make people curious and look😁 GamerzCex = Gamerz "Communication, Education & eXchange" i got curious and did a quik lookup. 2 variants of the Domain Heres what i found lol Gamerzcex Gamerz-cex Might not be what your looking for but might trigger others with ideas Goodluck with your hunt 👍
  14. Hi There, Hope your all doing well 👍 Im hoping someone here could give me some advice on how to change the Dulled Forum icons(in red circle) to always be Highlighted. (in the green circle) I have no need for the Forum Icons to change because there is the little orange "New" icon appears to indicate new content. So i want to keep the forum icons Bright/Highlighted always, If thats possible. Any Advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Inadvance